B4A Tutorial For beginners: How to communicate with a server using httputils2 (Part 2: MySql) - KMatle    Jun 04, 2018   (18 reactions) Small update: I use Download2 instead of Poststring now. It handles some things for us like removing illegal space, etc. Otherwise some examples wont work as decribed.
Part 1: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/for-beginners-how-to-communicate-with-a-server-using-httputils2-part-1-php.42442/ B4J Tutorial [Web] Creating Secure MySQL REST API based WebApps using Api Keys on top of HTTPS - Mashiane    Apr 30, 2024   (2 reactions) Hi Fam. This tutorial is based on the api.php project, originally posted in the forum on September 9, 2022. See the Related Content section below. This time around we are looking at how we can use Api Keys for Authenticating our MySQL WebApps to make them secure when using REST API functionality. B4A Tutorial For beginners: How to communicate with a server using httputils2 (Part 1: php) - KMatle    Sep 04, 2018   (28 reactions) How does a php script look like?
Here you go:
$p1 = $_GET;
$p2 = $_GET;
print ("I've received $p1 and $p2");
Following the examples above, this script is called in the same way. In you browser you would type:
On the given website B4J Tutorial SQLite or MySQL database - peacemaker    Oct 12, 2023   (4 reactions) Attached the PHP-script set: index.php - Adminer tool, latest version 4.8.1 (can be updated from the project web-site), used for access to MySQL or other web-base databases, with known host, db-name, login and password sqlite.php - script, where you need to setup the path to your SQLite db file and B4A Tutorial B4x / PHP compatibility thread - KMatle    Sep 30, 2017   (12 reactions) A lot of developers like me use php as the backend component on a server to communicate with B4x apps. My intention is to create a thread with some "How to's" and best practices. Please feel free to expand it. It's not the place to post questions (please open a new thread then). The examples posted B4J Tutorial [BANanoVuetifyAD3] Create Professional Looking Vuetify WebSites & WebApps with BANano - Mashiane (first post)    Aug 25, 2021   (1 reaction) BANanoVuetifyAD3 MySQL Connect.
This enables one to test MySQL connections to any backend, it uses PHP internally.
9PXu301aI24 B4A Example FREE Source Code's ! - ilan (first post)    May 19, 2016   (12 reactions) MySql+PHP (b4j/b4a/b4i) here is a simple example of how to use mysql+php. this example icludes 2 screens: * Login Screen * Data Preview Screen (Read,Delete,Edit,Count,Insert) ** all free sources from me are free for personal use only, you may not sell them or publish them on your site or any foru B4A Tutorial MySQL data to webview using PHP - Mashiane    Apr 08, 2019   (9 reactions) The sky is no longer the limit as we have gone to the moon already. ;)
Ta! B4J Tutorial SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS UI Toolkit: Q & A - Enrico Fuoti (first post)    Jun 28, 2023   (1 reaction) Sorry, Mashiane,
I thought it was clear, when i mentioned "sithaso_mysql_php", that uses datasources,
but anyway, disregard my previous post, i don't really know what happened, but now is not working either on pc or phone.i'm going to pm you the link. B4A Tutorial Connect Android to MySQL Database Tutorial - Erel    Sep 20, 2018   (29 reactions) A new more powerful framework is now available: jRDC2.
This tutorial explains the basic concepts required for creating a connection between Android device and a remote server. In this case it is a MySQL database.
A tutorial for connecting to SQL Server is available here.
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