B4A Code Snippet SD: DateDialog (Calendar Picker) - Star-Dust    Apr 02, 2021   (25 reactions) New Class: DateDialog (Calendare Picker)
Initialize (Myactivity As Activity, Date As Long)
SetDate(Date As Long)
Show(Title As String)
DateSelected As Long (Only read)
Find alternative Code on Post#8
I have updated the code so it is possible to set the design you start w B4A Library Material Date Picker - intellvold    Oct 09, 2022   (15 reactions) Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Button1_Click
Datepicker.Initialize("Date",2022 ,DateTime.GetMonth(DateTime.Now) ,DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now))
Mycalendar.Initialize("dd.mm.yyyy",Mycalendar.PRC,"2.02.1990") 'start date
' Datepick B4A Library DateTimePicker View - jtare    Jul 18, 2021   (9 reactions) DateTimePicker view is based on the CustomListView and snapCLV with a design similar to the ios datetime picker. This view has only been tested in B4A, it is not very useful in B4i since for ios the built-in picker is better. B4A Library DateTimePicker UPDATE 2023 - Guenter Becker    Nov 15, 2023   (13 reactions) Version: 3 NEW UPDATE 11/2023
This is a B4A Class. It opens a Time-, Date- or DateTime-Picker Dialog based on the B4XPreferencesDialog.
Individual or Default Parameter Setup for Dialog Colors and Item Text.
All 3 Dialog types in one class.
Returned Result is in B4A Example B4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online - AnandGupta (first post)    Apr 04, 2022   (2 reactions) B4A
Material Date Picker
Material DateTime Picker tries to offer you the date and time pickers as shown in the Material Design spec, with an easy themable API. The library uses the code from the Android frameworks as a base and tweaked it to be as close as possible to Material Design examp B4A Question DateTime Picker - AndroidMadhu    Apr 21, 2021 Hello,
I am using B4A 10.7.
I require datetime picker lib to implement with B4A10.7.
I am using the below link but it is not working :
Anyone please advice.
Thanks B4A Question Date/Time picker for past 24 hours - Mahares (first post)    Jan 17, 2018   (2 reactions) One way to do this is to check if the date and time you get from the date picker falls within the last 24 hours:
Log(ValidateDate("1/16/2018","15:40:12") ) 'returns true code run 1/16/2018 around 19:30
Log(ValidateDate("1/15/2018","15:40:12") ) 'returns false
Log(ValidateDate("1/17/2018 B4A Question Parse date crash - App Dude    Nov 01, 2021 This mostly works, but sometimes it crashes. Anyone know why?
Main.depTime = DateTime.DateParse(cbSelDate.SelectedItem) + (cbSelHour.SelectedItem * DateTime.TicksPerHour) + (cbSelMin.SelectedItem * DateTime.TicksPerMinute)
More context: I created a date-time picker which, for user simpli B4A Question Timer Picker - Albert Kallal (first post)    Dec 27, 2020   (1 reaction) So, with above routines - you are now ready to start coding, playing and having fun with date and time formats.
As noted, having and adopting Date + time formats WHEN dealing with time is nice, since then if you span midnight - or even MORE time, you do NOT care, and thus I have a screen like this B4A Question Time-only (hh:mm:ss) wheel time-picker for B4A? - JordiCP    Jul 22, 2024   (1 reaction) I need a wheel-based time picker, just showing HH-MM-SS (it is needed to select the duration of a process, so the date is not needed)
By searching, I see there that are several good-looking date-time pickers over there, some of them wheel-based, but I'm not sure if they are all currently 'usable' a Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |