B4A Library SD: SqliteExtra - Star-Dust    Nov 20, 2021   (20 reactions) This new library is used to add some functions to the already precious SQL library.
Insertion, updating and reading of images in fields of type BLOB.
Functions to add a table, a field. Update a field. Delete a row or table.
List of tables, fields and typos of the fields contained in the database
Co B4A Question SQL Lite Library? - DonManfred (first post)    Oct 08, 2018   (3 reactions) SQL Library is included in the installation. It is an internal library. B4A Library SQL Server Library - SNOUHyhQs2    Dec 04, 2017   (11 reactions) Basic Reading of Data:
' open connection using different method
sql.OpenConnection2("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://", "sa", "systemadmin")
' reading and looping result set
Dim res As MSSQLResultSet = sql.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM tblDRHeader")
Do While res.MoveNext
B4A Library SD: BindingNavigator (Sqlite GUI Navigator) - Star-Dust    Nov 20, 2021   (13 reactions) IsInitialized As Boolean Verifica se l'oggetto sia stato inizializzato. NextRecord As String PreviousRecord As String Query (StringQuery As String, PrimaryKeyName As String) As String Query2 (StringQuery As String, StringArg As String(), PrimaryKeyName As String) As String RefreshField As String B4A Question SQL Builder - is a Library needed? - Col    Dec 08, 2021   (2 reactions) I sometimes build long complex SQL statements from code, and it takes a lot of effort to code and test, so figured why not build a class to do it for me?
Here's a very simple class (the example is in B4J) to build SQL statements from code. It consists of a very basic screen (only needed for the exa Bug? Library 'SQL' is not used - wimpie3    Jul 14, 2021 I'm currently using the SQLCipher library. It seems that this library also needs the SQL library to be loaded, even if the SQL library itself is not used in the B4A source code. Otherwise I get this error: class file for anywheresoftware.b4a.sql.SQL not found
So I've added the SQL library. But now B4A Question SQLite db size null - gyruss68 (first post)    Mar 10, 2016   (1 reaction) After some test I found the answer for my question. The SQL library is not compatible with database created with third-party software. I created a db with App, I copied the db from device to pc. Open the file with SQL Expert Lite (or other) Edit tables, create tables. Copied the modified file to b4 B4A Library TDDBUtils Functions to handle SQLite and SQLCipher - Guenter Becker    Jun 29, 2022   (12 reactions) Library: TDDBUtils.b4xlib
Language: B4A
Version 1.8
Manual: Version 1.5.2 (did some checks and improvements, added SQLCipher tutorial)
Status: Work in Process
(C) This library is free for non commercial use other use see manual.
New to 1.8:
optimized code
fixed some errors
Added grouping and sorti B4A Question Count Rows in JdbcResultSet - Computersmith64 (first post)    Nov 18, 2018   (1 reaction) That documentation is for the SQL library. In this case we are talking about the JdbcSQL library -> https://www.b4x.com/android/help/jdbcsql.html - Colin. B4A Question SQLite SOUNDEX - DonManfred (first post)    Mar 14, 2022 SQL Library is using the already installed SQLite. I don´t think a new Version also installs a new SQLite on Android. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |