B4i Question B4I Bridge wont install - Graeme Mitchell (first post)    Jul 13, 2021   (1 reaction) My error, i looked at the program and I only had iPad listed as the #Target. Installed and working as expected Bug? ”Simulator” isn't a valid target when compiling - Sandman    Apr 07, 2022   (1 reaction) In this thread, there is an indication that Simulator would be a valid target to use for #If: https://www.b4x.-error-to-build-simulator-app.128046/post-803021 I'm adding support for KSCrash, so I found that post and tried solving it like this, only to come to the same conclusion as @angel_ did, tha B4i Question webview click hyper link target=blank without any action - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    May 17, 2020   (2 reactions) Set a delegate (after initializing WebView)
Dim no As NativeObject = WebView1
no.SetField ("UIDelegate", Me)
Describe a subroutine, which will receive URL, when target="blank". For example:
Private Sub TargetBlank (URL As Object)
WebView1.LoadUrl (URL)
End Sub
Add a delegate B4i Question B4i replacment "Reflector" - tariqyounis    Sep 12, 2020 Dim r As Reflector r.Target = WebView1 r.Target = r.RunMethod("getSettings") r.RunMethod2("setBuiltInZoomControls", True, "java.lang.boolean") r.RunMethod2("setDisplayZoomControls", False, "java.lang.boolean") What shall I do to activate the event "WebView1_PageFinished(Url As Strin Wish CustomBuildAction - Erel (first post)    Feb 01, 2016 The reason behind this request (if I remember correctly) was that you wanted to change the target type. This is now possible with the new #Target attribute. B4i Question iOS App for iPhone only - luke2012    Jan 03, 2022 Hi everyone, I submitted my first iOS app and the publication was rejected as Apple says it crashes on iPad by doing a specific action. The problem is that the app was not designed for iPad but only for iPhone, in fact I expected it to be tested only on iPhone as in the project attributes I indicat B4i Question How to open an url inside a web view - Nino Caminiti (first post)    Sep 19, 2022 Thanks solved... I used target="_top for the link But if the link target is”_blank” it doesn't open the page, B4i Question IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = xxx - Starchild    Jul 18, 2021 I was reading POST #2 in this thread (link below)
How to handle if my app only support for IOS xx
1. Was this ever made configurable from inside the IDE ?
2. If so can you point me to the menu item of the IDE ?
Thanks Other B4i v2.50 is released - JackKirk (first post)    Feb 16, 2016 I searched for "B4I #Target" but found zip.
I'm guessing the syntax is:
#Target: iPhone
if I want to target iPhones only.
Works OK in testing but I'm about to attempt to publish and would like confirmation of this so I don't waste a week.
Thanks... B4i Question Webview ignores links with target="_blank" - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    Jun 15, 2020   (1 reaction) https://www.b4x.-click-hyper-link-target-blank-without-any-action.117888/post-737626 Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |