B4i Question SOLVED: Msgbox2Async with B4i - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    Mar 04, 2020   (2 reactions) Hi, I'm facing the same problem, is it possible to know how you solved it?
B4i Msgbox2 in general works like B4A Msgbox2Async. The dialog is not a modal.
For example, Msgbox2("Msg", "Do you want to do delete document?", "Title", Array ("Yes", "No")).
To retrieve the answer, you can use Wait For B4i Question xui.Msgbox2Async not called in app at start - DeclanOK    Sep 24, 2024 This is called from Application_Start when the app starts and works fine when testing. When I upload the app the msgbox is not called.
Dim T As String = "See Medicolegal disclaimer?"
Dim Title As String = "www.makindo.co.uk"
Dim sf As Object = xui.Msgbox2Async(T, Title, "Yes", "Cancel", " B4i Question msgboxAsync - Alex_197 (first post)    Aug 18, 2024 XUI.Msgbox2Async(msg,"Title","Yes","","No",Null)
Wait For MsgBox_Result(Result As Int)
If Result<>XUI.DialogResponse_Positive Then
End If B4i Question MsgBox2 - Erel (first post)    Sep 26, 2017   (1 reaction) Correct way to use Msgbox2:
Msgbox2("Msg", "Do you want to do delete document?", "Title", Array ("Yes", "No"))
Wait For Msg_Click (ButtonText As String)
If ButtonText = "Yes" Then
'delete document
End If
No need to handle a different event. You have access to everything. B4i Question XUI timing conflict with b4xpages - agraham (first post)    Aug 19, 2022 Yes you can, . It is the same as for xui.Msgbox2Async B4i Question MsgboxAsync Alternative/Workaround? - WardOperationsLLC    Oct 11, 2023 MsgboxAsync("This app requires an internet connection"&CRLF&"Please check your connection and restart the app.", "No Internet Connection!")
Wait For MsgBox_Result (Result As Int)
I use the above code in B4A to show a message box to the user then wait for B4i Question B4i Msgbox2Async giving error - james_sgp (first post)    Jan 30, 2023 ah...i see the typo...great thanks Erel. B4i Question change default msgbox - MarcoRome (first post)    Nov 12, 2022 Type this:
Dim sf As Object = xui.Msgbox2Async("Removing from Home Screen.....", $"Remove "Tips"?"$", "Remove from Home Screen", "Delete App", "Cancel", Null)
Wait For (sf) Msgbox_Result (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
End If B4i Code Snippet Msgbox with timeout - Erel    May 31, 2018   (4 reactions) A Msgbox that disappears automatically after the set timeout. The result is "Cancel".
Sub ShowMessageWithTimeout(text As String, timeout As Int) As ResumableSub
Dim sf As Object = Msgbox2("Msg", text, "Title", Array ("Yes", "No", "Cancel"))
Dim cancel(1) As Boolean
CheckForTimeout(sf, time B4i Question iPad Pro 13.4.1 and SelectFromPhotoLibrary - MarcoRome (first post)    May 29, 2020 Dear Filippo unfortunately it isn't so. Even by inserting an MsgBox2 on the ipad Pro 13.4.1 (both from tests carried out by us and from tests carried out by apple for this reason we realized that the ipad was not running) the problem remains Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |