B4J Question HMAC SHA256 - LordZenzo    Dec 13, 2023 hello forum
one of my applications needs to query APIs that require a signature in HMAC SHA256
I saw the SIGNATURE library but I don't know how to use it and I'm not sure it's the right way B4J Question Problem when signing with HMAC-SHA256 - aeric (first post)    Jul 05, 2024   (1 reaction) I think you didn't assign value and use this variable.
After you assign a value then update the Mac with the nonce, not input.
edit: Unless, Mexcnonce = input & "" B4J Question Which library to use for HMAC-SHA256 - tried jB4XEncryption & B4XEncryption - Erel (first post)    Oct 07, 2024   (1 reaction) (j)B4XEncryption is for cross platform AES encryption: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xencryption.48177/#content
You need the Encryption library: https://www.b4x.-and-encryption-library.6839/#content
It is compatible with B4J. B4J Library [BANano] BANanoHash - Hashes & bCrypt Encryption - Mashiane (first post)    Dec 15, 2019   (2 reactions) HEX_HMAC
Log("md5 - hex_hmac")
Log(bHashes.Hash(bHashes.HASH_MD5, bHashes.ALG_HEX_HMAC))
Log("sha1 - hex_hmac")
Log(bHashes.Hash(bHashes.HASH_SHA1, bHashes.ALG_HEX_HMAC))
Log("sha256 - hex_hmac")
Log(bHashes.Hash(bHashes.HASH_SHA256, bHashes.ALG_HEX_HMAC))
Log("sha512 - hex_ B4J Library bcprov-jdk18on-171 (BouncyCastle) update (encryption) - KMatle    May 09, 2022   (3 reactions) Tested under B4J Java 11 agains OpenSSL (PHP): AES256 RSA (creating/using keys including signing/verifying) Hashing (HMAC, SHA1, 256 and 512) via Agraham's Encryption library Download: https://www.bouncycastle.org/download/bcprov-jdk18on-171.jar B4J Question Help With Making A Signing Function (SHA256, Base64, Etc.) - cklester    Nov 21, 2021 I need to create a signing function to send data to a private API.
The code in Typescript is here, and shown below:
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
export class AuthenticationProvider {
public readonly publicKey: string;
private _privateKey: Buffer;
publicKe B4J Question [solved] different HmacSHA256 results using javaobject and using java inline code - xulihang    Nov 22, 2018 ai.sogou.com\n/speech/asr\nidx=1&starttime=1491810516&type=gbk","");
return sha256_HMAC(message,secretKey);
public static String sha256_HMAC(String message, String secretKey) {
byte secret;
secret=secretKey.getBytes(S B4J Question Sign the nonce with secret using HMAC-SHA256 - pedrocam (first post)    Jul 28, 2017 Hi Erel, thanks for the reply. Yes, I imagined that I need to do that, however I was unable to port code from a B4A project to B4J. Can you please give me an example or point to an example in B4J of how to sign it with a secret key using HMAC-SHA256? Thank you very much. B4J Question string to sha256 + salt - Douglas Farias    Sep 09, 2015 $hmacSalt), 0, 32); # Generate the encryption and hmac key.
# Split out hmac for comparison
$macSize = 64;
$hmac = substr($cipher, 0, $macSize);
$cipher = substr($cipher, $macSize);
$compareHmac = hash_hmac('sha256', $cipher, $key);
if ($hmac !== $comp B4J Question How sign json string with RS256 Algoritm? - drgottjr (first post)    Mar 25, 2024   (1 reaction) my library generates a valid jws (that is, jwt + security).
it follows the pattern:
base64url(header) + "." + base64url(payload) + "." + base64url(signature)
(with signature = hmacSha256(base64url(header) + "." + base64url(payload), secretkey))
i don't know what "jws protected header", "jws payload Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |