B4J Question TTS Text-to-Speech for B4J ? - TILogistic (first post)    Feb 17, 2023   (2 reactions) ?
https://www.b4x./?query=TTS+&product=b4j B4J Question Help Converting .aar files to .arr.jar - DonManfred (first post)    Mar 15, 2024 Vosk is NOT a TTS-Engine. I don´t see how your answer/comment is relevant for this thread.
Vosk is a STT-Engine (SpeakToText). B4J Code Snippet B4J Text-to-Speech snippet - jkhazraji    Aug 27, 2023   (7 reactions) Hi everyone, Here is a newbie ? b4jcode of text-to-speech using freetts: Find the video demo lQkyoROshG4 #Region Project Attributes #MainFormWidth: 600 #MainFormHeight: 600 #End Region #AdditionalJar:.\freetts\cmudict04.jar '. '. '. #AdditionalJar: .\freetts\jsapi.jar Sub Process_Global B4J Question Looking for a good TTS solution - Indic Software    Sep 11, 2020   (1 reaction) Hello, I am currently using the FreeTTS engine for reading text to users of my software. But the voice is very mechanical and as times it just seems to hasten when pronouncing words. Is there any good TTS engine which sounds like natural human voice that we can use in B4J? Regards, B4J Library jcifs-ng SMB-Client (SMB2) - DonManfred    Dec 19, 2020   (12 reactions) <p> Initially, the SIDs within each ACE will not be resolved however when <tt>getType()</tt>, <tt>getDomainName()</tt>, <tt>getAccountName()</tt>, or <tt>toString()</tt> is called, the names will attempt to be resolved. If the names cannot be resolved (e.g. due to temporary network failure), the sai B4J Question Question: SAPI TTS on Windows using B4J - EnriqueGonzalez (first post)    Apr 08, 2023 It seems pretty much doable
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/converting-text-speech-java/ B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] App Creation Process: The UI - ThRuST (first post)    Jul 15, 2019   (1 reaction) That was funny :) I prefer to use TTS myself. This is an example from TTSMP3.com it uses the voice Mathieu from French. Personally I find the accent very charming :-) B4J Question Download image as object - Tim Chapman (first post)    Aug 28, 2024   (2 reactions) I solved the problem. See attached code.
This includes an updated library for OpenAI that allows the image or TTS file to be passed back to the main code as an outputstream so the user can save them where they want. B4J Question Uploading part of a file to OpenAI - Tim Chapman (first post)    Sep 14, 2024 I would love to collaborate on this project if anyone is willing. Please PM me. I currently have the following functions working: Chat TTS Image response Create Assistant Create Thread File Upload File Upload in parts Delete file Cancel upload List files I have built the user interface for all th B4J Question OpenAI Text To Speech Problems [SOLVED] - Tim Chapman (first post)    Aug 22, 2024 I found my error finally. In the Sub OpenAI_TextToSpeech_Bot, the last line OpenAI_TTSResponse(savePath, "tts.mp3") was not supposed to be there.
Note that in the attached code, the OpenAI library is modified to allow the user to select the path were the mp3 file gets saved.
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