B4J Tutorial [XLUtils] Generate PDF reports - Erel    May 27, 2021   (15 reactions) 114085 XLUtils v1.13 adds support for converting workbooks to PDF. This is a Windows only feature and it relies on Excel being installed on the computer. Exporting to PDF is a matter of calling: Wait For (xl.PowerShellConvertToPdf(WorkbookFile, OutputPDF, SheetIndex, True)) Complete (Success B4J Library XLUtils / jPOI 5 - Read and write MS Excel workbooks - Erel (first post)    May 27, 2021   (11 reactions) - V1.13 - Support for generating PDF documents with XL.PowerShellConvertToPdf: https://www.b4x.-generate-pdf-reports.131119/ https://www.b4x.-png.114085/ I've tried all kinds of methods to generate PDF documents from the Excel workbook. I'm happy to say that this solution is simple and does its j B4J Question B4J PDF create - aeric (first post)    Apr 30, 2024   (1 reaction) Try search the forum https://www.b4x./?query=pdf+generator&product=b4j
https://www.b4x.-beta-editing-pdf-acroform-fieldvalu B4J Code Snippet Generate pdf reports using html + template engine + json data in b4j - andrewmp    Apr 14, 2021   (15 reactions) We had a client that insisted on using a specific font in reports - we initially tried PDFjet but it was not clear if the original library which dates back to 2014 needed work and anyway we did not feel like forking out $295 to try (open source ver. is limited).
So we came up with this free solutio B4J Question (Solved) Error Generate PDF reports [XLUtils] - aeric (first post)    Nov 14, 2024 I just run Office update.
Still the same.
I will check again later after restart.
158607 B4J Question [sithaso] [banano] [jsPDF] how to save a PDF into server folder? - giannimaione (first post)    Sep 01, 2024 but, should I ignore this message?
file pdf is generate perfect! Share My Creation Invoicer WebApp using BVAD3 - Generate PDF Invoices for your businesses [NOW FREE] - Mashiane    Mar 22, 2022   (13 reactions) Ola
Legacy projects that DO NOT use the abstract designer Now FREE
BVAD PHP Connection Tester
Update: Please keep watch of the BVAD3 library as this gets updated from time to time.
The PayPal email address is anele@mbangas.com
112 Other Subscribe to B4J library updates - Mashiane (first post)    Mar 28, 2021   (5 reactions) BANanoVuetify aka BVAD3 3.80 is now available.
This now includes jsPDF to create and generate PDF documents. We created an awesome Invoicer WebApp that generates PDF Invoices for any business & client.
110569 B4J Question QR Code Generator (for Server) - ChristopherD    Sep 29, 2022 Hi All,
I am trying to implement a QR code generator on the server side, I am using the library from @tchart in the link below:
I am using EncodeTextToPNG as I want to have an image that I can insert into a PDF but I Wish ABMaterial - CRUD Form Builder (Designer) - alwaysbusy (first post)    Feb 05, 2016   (4 reactions) "" , "" , "NotEmpty" , "" ))
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