Bug? B4J v9.5 BETA Need to restart IDE after a long Log causes IDE error. - William Lancee    Apr 24, 2022 The IDE stops working after the following. It happens in both release and debug mode. 10079 USB_Silver_5 Oscar Peterson Night Train 05-Moten Swing.wav 10080 USB_Silver_5 Oscar Peterson Night Train 06-Easy Does It.wav 10081 USB_Silver_5 Oscar Peterson Night Train B4J Question Connect ESC/POS Library to USB - aeric (first post)    Apr 16, 2024 For USB connection...
The S in USB is Serial. Therefore you are dealing with "Serial" connection or AsyncStreams.
Make sure you pass the correct printer name added in the OS, as printerGen in printString method. B4J Question CP2104 USB-Serial chip management in B4J and in B4A - kimstudio (first post)    Dec 22, 2022   (1 reaction) Post your B4J code and device serial spec parameters may help. jSerial works greatly at my side for other usb-serial chips. B4J Question Several COM-ports at the same time - possible ? - peacemaker (first post)    Oct 09, 2022 Yes, solved ! Unstable work was due to at COM-port losing or adding - i was reconnecting all the ports.
If to manage ports only one by one - no any trouble: each COM-port is able to work at any detected baudrate and together with others already working ports.
Resume: do not break already working OK B4J Tutorial [IoT][ESP8266]B4J/B4A/B4i & ESP8266 Basic: Example thread - KMatle    May 06, 2016   (7 reactions) It's simple Windows-UI program which brings the OS to flash with it. No need to search for os-images or to load 6 files which is very annoying.
You can see the soldering needed on cheaper devices. Buying the USB one is totally worth it. Plug & Play. You will only need to connect a simple USB cable B4J Library jSD: Bluetooth Printer - Star-Dust (first post)    Aug 19, 2022   (2 reactions) ANNOUNCEMENT
I have completed the tests for USB printing and it seems to work.
So we would have available as well as Bluetooth SPP also the USB connection (for printers installed with their own driver) B4J Library SD_NativeAccess (jna) - Star-Dust (first post)    Feb 22, 2023   (4 reactions) Update rel 1.02
Added GetUSB
returns the list of installed usb devices
Added GetCOM
returns the list of serial port
Added GetIdleTime
returns the user's idle time B4J Library jSD_EscPosPrinter - Star-Dust    Sep 21, 2024   (4 reactions) This library allows you to print text and image to a bluetooth thermal printers
Works with Bluetooth and USB. For USB thermal printers you need the driver
Dependence: jBluetooth
This version requires an activation code. If you do not have a code then it will work in DEMO mode and you will only be a Share My Creation Analogue Signal to PC - moty22    Apr 15, 2021   (7 reactions) Measuring analogue signal on PC without the need to program a microcontroller. The MCP3201 is a 12 bit ADC, the USB to Serial module drives the ADC by bit banging the Hardware Controls (Flow Controls). The USB to Serial converter has to have DTR, CTS, and RTS, I used this one from Ebay: https://www. Share My Creation Print Server (USB Thermal Receipt) running on Raspberry Pi - aeric    Oct 21, 2022   (8 reactions) SXbmhKz0sa4 This is a demo video of B4J Print Server which is a REST API Web Server. The server can run on Windows and Linux including on a Raspberry Pi OS. I have also created B4J, B4A and B4i Client app to send request to the server through GET and POST. The print data can contain ESC/POS string Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |