B4A Question android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException - ibonk64    Jan 06, 2015 SQL1.ExecNonQuery2(QIKel, Array As String(kelPecah(0),kelPecah(1),kelPecah(2)))
End Sub
Sub conData_ResponseError (respons1 As HttpResponse, Reason As String, StatusCode As Int, TaskId As Int)
Msgbox("Tidak dapat berkomunikasi dgn B4A Question SocketServer streams - Informatix (first post)    Oct 23, 2015   (1 reaction) The returned error is:
That means you try to access a network in the main thread, which is not recommended under Android (and other OS as well) because that can freeze the UI and raise an ApplicationNotResponding error after a few seconds. Use only asynchrono B4A Question websocket android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException - Erel (first post)    Feb 18, 2018 Looks like a bug in the underlying library. I will send you a PM with an updated library. Please try it. B4A Library MSSQL with JDBC Library v1.00 - oscarsarrio (first post)    Dec 21, 2016 No ... (NetworkOnMainThreadException) android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException B4A Question Error with B4A Socket - DonManfred (first post)    Apr 17, 2024   (2 reactions) USE the forumsearch! ;-)
https://www.b4x.-the-networkonmainthread-exception.44760/#content B4A Question How to solve "android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException" error - DonManfred (first post)    Apr 17, 2024 what is the value here?
Mean: what is the url you are calling?
I can´t see how a NetworkOnMainthread exception can happen here. You code is INCOMPLETE
Have you tried to use okhttputils to download the page and work with the result? It will not raise any such Exception
Does zocks.com have an API? B4A Question java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - Daestrum (first post)    Jan 18, 2024 Sorry, I don't do Android, I just googled android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException and there were several suggestions to prevent this error, but not sure how you would implement in B4A. B4A Question jkSSH2: android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException - devcitizen    Jul 09, 2020 Hi,
I am trying to find my way around ssh command execution using Ribber's jkSSH2 library version 1.10. The same NetworkOnMainThreadException (newer Android sdk levels will not permit networking in the main ui thread) is already fixed for the HttpUtils2 library. Is there any way for me to use jkSSH B4A Question NetworkOnMainThreadException problem. How I can continue? - Paolodc    Dec 01, 2020 Hello experts!
Can anyone tell me why when my application is released it can't connect to the database? I'm using the JdbcSql library and the connection happens under my private network. However, with debugging it manages to connect. The problem is as follows: (NetworkOnMainThreadException) android B4A Question android > 4.0 NetworkOnMainThreadException error help - Spinter    Jul 09, 2020 I'm using HttpRequest to communicate with my mysql but with a device SDK 2.2 everything works perfectly! device with a 4.0 sdk I go to NetworkOnMainThreadException. How do I get out? 22280 Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |