Other B4A v7.80 has been released! - thehe (first post)    Dec 28, 2017 FIXING by installing Java ver 8 as Erel Uziel reply ::::::: Hi, See these search results: https://www.b4x./?query=+Unsupported+major.mi nor+version+52.0 Best regards, Erel Uziel Anywhere Software B4J Tutorial UI apps packaging - self contained installers - EnriqueGonzalez (first post)    Aug 03, 2015   (1 reaction) Okey i solved it, my enviroment variable was pointed to JRE 1.7.XXXX, changed to JRE 1.8.XXXX and worked like a charm.
Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 <--- this has nothing to do with the Java JDK version, it is a kind of error code. silly me... B4J Library [Web][ABMaterial] Framework for WebApps - narek adonts (first post)    Nov 06, 2015 getting error
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 B4A Question ExoPlayer-ID3 metadata how to get data - kisoft (first post)    Jan 08, 2020 descriptionStartIndex, descriptionEndIndex - descriptionStartIndex, charset); int objectDataStartIndex = descriptionEndIndex + delimiterLength(encoding); byte objectData = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, objectDataStartIndex, data.length); return new GeobFrame(mimeType, filename, desc B4J Library SQLite JDBC - Library version updates - Claudio Oliveira (first post)    Sep 09, 2022   (5 reactions) Sqlite-jdbc version (2022.09.09) available for download HERE Features support Statement.execute methods with autoGeneratedKeys parameter ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName returns more accurate type Fixes JRE crash on connection close with CommitListener and auto commit disabled S Italian [solved] B4XIDEViewer: JavaFX runtime components are missing - sirjo66 (first post)    Aug 27, 2023 grazie per la risposta Ho letto bene il post, ho dato quindi questo comando: C:\java\jdk-11.0.1\bin\java.exe --module-path c:\java\javafx-sdk-20.0.2\lib --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.web -jar C:\tmp\B4XIDEViewer.jar ma purtroppo ancora non funziona, ora il messaggio di errore è: B4A Question [SOLVED] - Android 10 - Background GPS/Ble scans stop getting data after 1 hr - Jmu5667 (first post)    Aug 30, 2021   (3 reactions) Keys Dim bcn As mBeacon = iBeacons.Get(k) log($"${bcn.uniqueid} ${bcn.name} ${bcn.Major} ${bcn.Minor} ${bcn.rssi} ${bcn.TX}"$) Next Else log("svc_ble::No Beacons found " ) End I Other B4X Push Server - Alberto Iglesias (first post)    Mar 07, 2016 When try to run or debug the Push Server, output this error:
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: $Customizer : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
I´m using B4J v4.20
and the PushServer I got today in the first post
thanks B4A Question Compile error - Erel (first post)    Dec 24, 2017   (1 reaction) A quick search will reveal the answer: https://www.b4x./?query=Unsupported+major.minor+version+52.0
You need to install Java 8. B4J Library Get Drive Names and Drive Serial to protect your creation - inakigarm (first post)    Mar 01, 2015   (1 reaction) run(PlatformImpl.java:179) at com.sun.glass.ui.InvokeLaterDispatcher$Future.run(InvokeLaterDispatcher.java:76) at com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication._runLoop(Native Method) at com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplication.access$100(WinApplication.java:17) at com.sun.glass.ui.win.WinApplicati Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |