B4i Question need advice for a 3d issue - ilan    Dec 16, 2020   (1 reaction) hello everyone i came across a game ad on Facebook. It's a billiard game 2d but the balls that are rolling are somehow rolling in 3d so the half-colored ball and the number on it roll according...-simulate-3d-ball-movement-in-a-2d-game-using-spritekit i saw more threads about it but cannot find it right now. how would you solve such a problem? this is the game i am talking about: 1ytcMwn3G64... of the rolling ball. it's in 3d and i cannot use 100' of sprite sheet in any direction possible and... B4A Library 3D Bodies - Four libraries - derez    Oct 17, 2022   (18 reactions) , doing similar thing with variations:
1. A 3D cube, with or without dice numbers on, can roll by touch or by command or provide a throw result by click.
2. A 3D library for any body, provided... Games Pseudo 3d try (Road) - ilan    Jun 11, 2021   (14 reactions) just made a simple try of drawing a road using b4j. the code can be improved a lot but it is a star ... B4i Code Snippet Flip View - 3D Flip Animation - Alexander Stolte    Nov 15, 2024   (12 reactions) :UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseOut animations:^{ // Add perspective for a 3D effect CATransform3D transform = CATransform3DIdentity; transform.m34 = -1.0 / 500.0; // Sets...) { transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, angle, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Rotate around the X-axis } if (yAxis) { transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, angle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // Rotate around the Y-axis } // Apply the 3D transformation to the view... B4A Example 3D Spinning Cube - Johan Schoeman    Dec 26, 2021   (17 reactions) It is mostly based on this posting. It is a 3D spinning cube. The code is very simple (the lib does... as that of the /Files and /Objects folders of the B4A project
3. Download the B4A lib files... B4J Tutorial JavaFX 3D spinning Earth and Galaxy - Johan Schoeman    Dec 16, 2022   (7 reactions) Change it to your liking - download it from here:
#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 600
#MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region
#AdditionalJar: j3dcore... Wish SceneKit simple 3d Game Engine by Apple - ilan    Dec 17, 2020   (2 reactions) SceneKit is a very simple to use 3d Game Framework for iOS made by Apple but it is very powerful. I see the games that are made with SceneKit and they look really awesome. Having a 3d GameEngine for b4i will be a great addition. Don't you think? So this is my wish for 2021 ? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/scenekit/... B4J Question Java3D on B4J Powerful Object Oriented 3D API, problem with JavaObject - max123    May 8, 2024   (9 reactions) tried to port a simple demo project of a colored 3D cube that can be rotated with mouse...,, no errors at all, but I cannot see the 3D View on the Form, the problem seem to be the JPanel and... B4J Tutorial [BANano3D] Beginning 3D with Three.JS - Mashiane    Aug 5, 2019   (9 reactions) Ola there... BANano3D This is also part of my bucket list things...:p .Now that I'm a little comfortable with the html5 games outlook using BANanoCreateJS, today I thought why not try 3D... = Math.RunMethod("random", Null) Dim rnd3 As Double = Math.RunMethod("random", Null) rnd1 = 10 * rnd1 rnd2 = 10 * rnd2 rnd3 = 10 * rnd3 cubeGeometry.Initialize(rnd1, rnd2, rnd3) ' Dim cubeMaterial As TDMeshNormalMaterial cubeMaterial.Initialize... B4A Library XCL Charts - 13 Feb 2016 : 3D Horizontal Bar Charts in Post #7 - Johan Schoeman    May 29, 2022   (18 reactions)   tags: 3D Busy wrapping this project. It offers some unique graphs / charts. Will post the 3D bar chart sometime before the end of this coming weekend. It will allow for a 3D chart consisting of a series of 5... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   |