B4A Question LogCat system logs - tpakis (first post)    Feb 24, 2015 Erel you are right, they require root for 4.1+ I didn't notice that, so my question is invalid. Thank you for your answer B4A Question error without sub name - Erel (first post)    Jun 09, 2015 There is no log file. If he is using Android version less than 4.1 then he can install an app that reads the logs and he will be able to send you the full error message. He needs B4J Question Very strange problem adding two numbers - MegatenFreak    Apr 07, 2021   (1 reaction) Hi. I do some additions in my app, and I ran into this strange problem: when I add 1.3 and 0.1, I get 1.4000000000000001 instead of just 1.4: Log(1.3 + 0.1) Log(1.3 + 0.11) Log(1.3 + 0.102) All of the above result in a large number just like the example. What is strange is that IT ONLY Share My Creation Guitar Tuner - Afinador de Violão - Erel (first post)    Jan 07, 2016 Remove it with RemovePermission(android.permission.READ_LOGS) in the manifest editor. Explanation: - Prior to Android 4.1 it was possible to read the system logs with this permission. So it was logical for LogCat to get this permission. - Starting from 4.1 it is only possible read your own logs and B4A Question Rounding decimal point number - aeric    Jun 14, 2019   (1 reaction) 1, 2, 2, False)) Log("Round(" & dblValue & ") = " & Round(dblValue)) Log("Round2(" & dblValue & ", 1) = " & Round2(dblValue, 1)) Log("Round2(" & dblValue & ", 2) = " & Round2(dblValue, 2)) Log("Ceil(" & dblValue & ") = " & Ceil(dblValue)) Log("Floor(" & dblValue & ") = " & F B4A Question Are Logs from LogCat available on restart after previous crash - Robert Valentino    Dec 12, 2021 My music app works fine on all my devices of course but one, and the one is my Honda Ridgeline. When starting the car my app automatically gets started (app is default audio player) and it crashes very quickly It never calls my Application_Error - which I know works because on other crashes B4A Question B4A Bridge logging vs emulator logging? - Erel (first post)    Mar 29, 2015 B4A-Bridge and Android 4.1+ logs B4A Question LogCat not working through B4A-Bridge - b4auser1 (first post)    Nov 19, 2015 Google has removed the READ_LOGS permission from Android 4.1+. This means that a running app cannot read any log messages except of its own messages.
B4A-Bridge and Android 4.1+ logs
I created my own class to write messages to file and use method of the class instead of Log statement, when work via B4A Question [Things] B4A Class - BeaconParser - Erel (first post)    Jul 18, 2017 Check the unfiltered logs. There might be more information. Are you using the latest version (4.1) ? https://developer.android.com/things/preview/download.html B4A Library ViewPager - Cleaned up ViewPager - gravel (first post)    Feb 10, 2017 I've tried it on a 6.0.1 device (the one that the log came from - Cyanogenmod) and on a really low end 4.4.4 device. You do have to scroll VERY vigorously to provoke it, but if that is the case then I'll have to reconsider how I do it. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |