B4A Question Obsolete ADB.exe - Erel (first post)    May 22, 2018   (1 reaction) This is a known issue. Google hasn't yet provided any other ADB. Click on the "never show again" option and continue. B4A Question Obsolete adb.exe detected (apparently) - DonManfred (first post)    May 31, 2018   (1 reaction) You are supposed to do so.
PS: If you had used the Forumsearch you already have found the answer :-) B4A Question ADB obsolete - Alberto Michelis    Apr 02, 2020 Hi Ive installed all what is suggest by the SDK manager
and when I run the emulator In gettin a warning window saying adb.exe is obsolete 91120
How to update it?
Thanks B4A Question AVD Manager - device definition not found - Erel (first post)    Jul 05, 2018   (1 reaction) Use the search engine. It works very good: https://www.b4x./?query=ADB.exe+is+obsolete
If you are unable to find the answer then always start a new thread for a new question. B4A Tutorial AMD Ryzen processor & Android emulator AVD - peacemaker (first post)    Jul 19, 2019 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51240223/adb-exe-is-obsolete-and-has-serious-performance-problems B4A Question B4A AVD Manager error message - Shelby (first post)    Jul 01, 2020 One last note or two: my java version is 8 as mentioned in my compile log. I suppose that version is o.k.? In addition, during the display of the AVD manager, when the emulator pops up this message is given: The ADB binary found at C:\Android\platfor-tools\adb.exe is obsolete and has seriousperfo B4A Question adb.exe Entry Point not found (again) - alain bertrand    Aug 04, 2019 Windows 8.1 (64) / B4A 9.01.2 / java 11 / platform android-28.
Uninstall / Install: OpenJDK11+OpenJFX11, Android SDK 4333796, Required sources, B4A (registered).
Bridge connected.
Compile... OK... Installing file to device, ERROR
Cann't get rid of: Title "adb.exe Entry pont not found", Message "The Italian Saluti e Detect ADB - Luigi S    Aug 22, 2019 Ciao a tutti! Sono un utente fresco fresco... (ho fatto la battuta...direi piuttosto sudaticcio...) di B4A. Come molti qui, mi sto inventando l'app personale (quando fuzionerà ve la mostro) ma ancor prima di cominciare ho già un paio di quesiti per i più esperti. Quando lancio AVD manager mi appare B4A Question Sdk Mgr & Emulator Probs - Shelby    May 16, 2018 Yesterday my Emulator would not show the proper shape of an edit box that the designer would tell the emulator to display. (I'm in the Erel tutorial: First_UI_Program) This morning when the Sdk Mgr had one suggested download for me I clicked it. Then when I loaded the emulator from the Run AVD wind B4A Question [SOLVED] adb.exe has stopped working - SDK Platform-Tools - Version 29.0.0 - scsjc    Jun 07, 2019 I do not understand why, I think it may be because of the latest updates.
Every time I run the emulator, I immediately jump over this error
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