B4J Library [Web][ABMaterial] Framework for WebApps - Harris (first post)    Dec 15, 2015 I suggest that @alwaysbusy should be promoted to "Expert" status (from Active Member). He has certainly earned it!
Heck - I have an Active Member status; but how active my member is, it is a non starter at my age... (non-offensive - just a pun).
Hopefully this post won't set me back to Novice...!!! Other RE: For new(er) members: How to post a question/issue - js486dog    Sep 20, 2019 Dear friends. I know you are Experts, Well-Known Members. I admire your skils. I am only a Member. My first Android app was created last year thanks to your help. If B4A do not exists I can not do apps for Android. Please be indulgent to our unconscionability. Please, we do not rise up, withouth B4A Question unknown member: addwebchromeclient - megat.farril    Dec 30, 2021 Hi.. Hello everyone..
I'm newbie here in B4A.. I currently have an issue building up my web view. I would really appreciates any help from the experts/experiences B4A mobile developer here in this forum.
Below are my codes:
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each Wish [Not to be read ^__^ ] Nested Select blocks - Johan Hormaza (first post)    Jul 30, 2018   (1 reaction) It is rare for a member listed as an "expert" and the oldest member to have these kinds of problems.:rolleyes:
jajajaja... pa' lante hombre... Italian Expert - ma com'e' che cambia quella scritta? - giannimaione (first post)    May 25, 2023   (2 reactions) incomincia a raccontare barzellette, così noi mettiamo tanti like e tu diventerai "B4X founder", "staff member" ?? B4A Question Trying my luck again - NFC - reading Credit Card Help is needed - Zeev Goldstein (first post)    Feb 08, 2022   (3 reactions) dear Pal,
you can't even start to imagine how much i appreciate those of you who come forward and contribute from their time & knowledge to assist other people - like myself
i will look into the results once more to see if i can get any understanding from it
sorry i don't meet your minimal requir Italian Colore testo label appare sempre nero - Sabotto (first post)    Nov 12, 2020 No iaaaa. Stai scherzando? Anche perché non è mai successo niente..
Però il. dubbio è venuto pure a me
Ma a parte gli scherzi, voi quando scrivete, il. post appare subito o esce anche a voi quell"attesa di approvazione?
Forse perché non sono un ancora "well know" o "expert" member? Italian Come impostare query che restituisca per una certa tabella i nomi colonne mai usate? - amorosik (first post)    Dec 04, 2022 Ammazza che pigrizia Mi spiace per la tua conoscenza approfondita delle tematiche legate allo sviluppo codice, ma questa caratteristica direi che ti fa arruolare dritto dritto nella banda scarsotti come 'expert member' ? ? ? Wish Slight improvement of message when error is in used library - Sandman    Dec 13, 2022   (2 reactions) I'm making a lot of b4xlibs that I'm using in my main project. Today I got this message in the main project. Usually clicking the red text brings one to the error, but this only happens if the error is in the active project. In this case the error was in one of my b4xlibs. But which one..? 136960 B4A Question How to create a Layout like this - Sagenut (first post)    Jan 11, 2020   (3 reactions) To @ProjectGroup19 and all the other New Members I would like to point out just a small note. Many Expert Users could give the "Ready Code Solution" to nearly every question in minutes. Often this does not happen, instead the answers are links to other threads that contains the informations needed t Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |