B4A Example [B4X] Like Animation - smooth and beautiful transition - Alexander Stolte    Nov 25, 2020   (26 reactions) txt_size)
xlbl.Text = Chr(0xE87E)
xlbl.TextColor = unliked_color
End If
End Sub B4A Code Snippet Animation easing functions - TILogistic (first post)    Mar 09, 2024   (4 reactions) A few years ago I researched how to make animations in my applications.
Here are some other tutorials that will be of interest to some.
online tool
https://easin B4A Code Snippet [B4X] [XUI] Simple Halo Animation - Erel    Oct 17, 2017   (45 reactions) SetBitmap(bmp)
Parent.AddView(p, x, y, 0, 0)
Dim duration As Int = 3000
p.SetLayoutAnimated(duration, x - radius, y - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius)
p.SetVisibleAnimated(duration, False)
End Sub
Usage example:
Sub Activity_Touch (Action As B4A Tutorial B4X Ui/Ux ???? - ramezaniabbas (first post)    Oct 24, 2020   (5 reactions) new Post ( 12-uiux Login Animated ) Please refer to post number 1
This tutorial will teach you how to work with animations in b4x
Send us an email to receive the source code : uiuxdesignb4a@gmail.com B4A Example [B4X] AS CardSlider - Text animation - Alexander Stolte    Feb 24, 2024   (10 reactions) https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-as-cardslider.153204/ 146348 Code Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) Root = Root1 Root.LoadLayout("frm_main") B4XPages.SetTitle(Me,"AS CardSlider") AS_CardSlider1.ItemWidth = 100dip Dim StartYear As Int = Da B4J Code Snippet [B4X] [BitmapCreator] Layout implode animation - Erel    Apr 22, 2018   (12 reactions) 265722064
The layout should be made of a "base panel" that holds all other views.
The base panel is then replaced with an ImageView and returned back at the end of the animation.
'Type in globals:
Type PixelGroup (SrcX As Int, SrcY As Int, x As Float, y As Float, dx As Float, dy As Float)
Sub Imp B4A Question Where I can find a Tutorial for Animation Library - Erel (first post)    May 04, 2020 Don't use it.
Use the built-in SetLayoutAnimated and the other "Animated" methods. Best to use B4XView (XUI) which includes more features. B4A Code Snippet [B4X] B4XDialog - show with animation - Erel    Feb 24, 2020   (14 reactions) Slides the dialog from one of the sides.
Sub AnimateDialog (dlg As B4XDialog, FromEdge As String)
Dim base As B4XView = dlg.Base
Dim top As Int = base.Top
Dim left As Int = base.Left
Select FromEdge.ToLowerCase
Case "bottom"
base.Top = base.Parent.Height
B4A Code Snippet [B4X] Testing hundreds of object or view animations - TILogistic    Sep 21, 2024   (8 reactions) I'm testing an animation class I created for cross-platform (B4X).
157185 B4J Tutorial B4J Change Log (version history) - Erel    Oct 16, 2023   (10 reactions) Link - absolute path: Adds a link to the module with an absolute path. Deleted files are moved to the recycle bin. Properties grid and views tree can be filtered. Properties grid is much faster and includes new types of editors: https://www.b4x.com/basic4android/images/SS-2017-11-26_17.15.19.png h Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |