B4A Library [Lib] Archiver - Informatix    Oct 01, 2015   (34 reactions) This library is provided as-is and will not be extended to other formats. It uses the JTar library.
Don't forget to credit the authors if you include it in your application:
Frédéric Leneuf-Magaud & Kamran Zafar
I improved the synchronization of asynchronous operations (Async orders can be B4J Library [B4X] xHttpServer (Http Server + jQuery) - vigor (first post)    Nov 01, 2021   (1 reaction) Archiver Library B4A Library SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition - Biswajit (first post)    Sep 27, 2023   (1 reaction) Ok. So that was the issue with the archiver library. B4A Library Archiver7z - Informatix    Jul 21, 2016   (7 reactions) This is a library for the 7z format that supports compression with the lzma2 method and decompression with deflate, copy, bzip2, lzma and lzma2 methods. It supports also decryption but not encryption, and asynchronous execution.
It is an abandoned project as it is too slow to fit my needs. I won't B4J Question Archiver - DonManfred (first post)    May 13, 2018   (1 reaction) Use the forumsearch for an Example
Note that the library is an Android Library. You may search the B4A Forums too B4A Question Similar Language for Windows? - Erel (first post)    Feb 11, 2015   (1 reaction) The Archiver library works with B4J as well. Should be very simple to implement with B4J (20 lines +-). B4J Library Nitrite NoSQL embedded database library - stevel05    Aug 19, 2023   (18 reactions) I was interested to try Erel's MongoDB example in a few projects but really didn't want to use a server implementation so I looked for an alternative and found the Nitrite library. This is a partial wrap of this github project Nitrite-java The documentation is pretty good and is available here: Ni B4J Question Archiver - DonManfred (first post)    Dec 12, 2019   (1 reaction) Using the search for a library named Archiver. :) Share My Creation [B4X] [TOOL][SOURCE] lm Snippets Manager - stevel05 (first post)    Sep 23, 2023   (1 reaction) That would be overkill for this situation. You could use any of the zip libraries, Archiver is probably the simplest to just zip a folder. The only issue I have encountered with any of them was trying to zip layout files or more precisely, trying use them once they were unzipped. B4A Question What is this error? (parse error) - vecino (first post)    Jan 03, 2022 I have tried removing "Archiver" and the error is the same. The other remaining additional library is "ScrollView2d" which is used by the "Flexible Table" class. I created a new project with that class and there is no problem either. And there are no more additional libraries, everything else is int Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |