French Comprendre et vérifier "AsyncStreams is initialized in prefix mode" - klaus (first post)    Mar 22, 2022 J'ai peu d'expérience dans ce domaine, mais je me suis amusé avec Arduino pour écrire la documentation pour B4R.
Dans B4A, pour AsynchStreams il y a deux méthodes d'initialisation:
AsynchStreams.Initialize (In As InputStream, Out As OutputStream, EventName As String)
AsynchStreams.InitializePrefix ( B4A Question AsyncStreams - Reinitialize after first initialization - mmanso    Aug 27, 2021 Hi there,
Let's say I initialize an AsyncStream like this:
astreams1.Initialize(UsbSerial1.GetInputStream, UsbSerial1.GetOutputStream, "astreams1")
It's possible after doing this to reinitialize it for "Write only" like this:
astreams1 = Null
astreams1.Initialize(Null, UsbSerial1.GetOutputStrea Share My Creation ESP-01 IoT - moty22    Sep 14, 2021   (8 reactions) Sub Process_Globals Public serial1 As Serial Public wifi As SoftwareSerial Private astream As AsyncStreams 'Private astream1 As AsyncStreams Private tmr1 As Timer Private astream As AsyncStreams Private bc As ByteConverter Private ana, in3, B4A Library [B4X] FTP Server implemented with Socket and AsyncStreams - Erel    Jul 18, 2022   (40 reactions) It sends or receives the data and then closes the connection. Note that a new method was added to AsyncStreams that allows closing the channel after the data was sent (SendAllAndClose). Clients expect the data socket to be closed after the data is sent. There isn't any other cue that tells the clien B4A Question Sending clear text via tcp/IP - emexes (first post)    Jan 02, 2025 Well, your absolute first problem is going to be that you're using .InitializePrefix https://www.b4x..html#asyncstreams_initializeprefix InitializePrefix (In As Object, BigEndian As Boolean, Out As Object, EventName As String) Initializes AsyncStreams in prefix mode. This mode can only be used if B4A Code Snippet aSyncStream and flush - Star-Dust    Mar 09, 2023   (8 reactions) Many output streams buffer writes to improve performance. Rather than sending each byte to its destination as it’s written, the bytes are accumulated in a memory buffer ranging in size from several bytes to several thousand bytes. When the buffer fills up, all the data is sent at once. The flush() m B4R Question AsyncStreams + AnalogRead - Peter Simpson (first post)    Jul 06, 2017   (1 reaction) Below is the code that you need. #Region Project Attributes #AutoFlushLogs: True #CheckArrayBounds: True #StackBufferSize: 300 #End Region Sub Process_Globals Public Serial1 As Serial Public WiFi As ESP8266WiFi Public astream As AsyncStreams Public server As WiFiServerS B4A Question AsyncStreams initialisation crashes - rabbitBUSH    Sep 11, 2021 Change to non-prefix mode if communicating with non-B4X device.
' AStream.InitializePrefix(serial.InputStream, False, serial.OutputStream, "astreams")
Log ("************************")
ToastMessageShow (" GET THE PAIRED DEVICE ", True)
B4A Tutorial [B4X] AsyncStreams Tutorial - Erel    Feb 22, 2018   (9 reactions) Regular mode and "prefix mode". Both work as described above.
The following code demonstrates a simple program that sends text to a connected device or computer:
Sub Process_Globals
Dim AStreams As AsyncStreams
Dim Server As ServerSocket
Dim Socket1 As Socket
End Sub
Sub Globals
Di B4J Question AsyncStream COM-port buffer - peacemaker (first post)    Sep 30, 2022 Initialize("sp") Try sp.Open(port) sp.SetParams(BAUDRATE, 8, 1, 0) astream.Initialize(sp.GetInputStream, sp.GetOutputStream, "astream") Catch Dim e As String = port & " busy, passed by" Log(e) Main.toast.Show(e) CallSubDelayed2(mObject, Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |