B4J Library [server] LetsEncrypt SSL certificates - Erel    Mar 3, 2024   (21 reactions) LetsEncrypt provides SSL certificates for free. The certificates are created and renewed using...'t close to its expiration date.
Using OpenSSL + Java keytool to convert the certificate to a Java... B4J Tutorial B4J Server: Requesting and Installing SSL Certificate - tchart    Jun 17, 2015   (16 reactions)   tags: B4J Web I thought I would share how I requested and installed a SSL certificate for my B4J server.
In my case I used namecheap.com to purchase a $9 SSL certificate. I already had a domain name and a server... B4J Tutorial How to Install an SSL Certificate in B4J Server (Jetty) - tummosoft    Jun 27, 2022   (10 reactions) 130841
This is a easy way to install SSL Certificate on a VPS with Jetty.
(1) Goto ZeroSSL to create free sll for your domain: https://zerossl.com/
(2) Download your Certificate (includes 3 files... computer. (https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html)
(4) Joint Certificate, open a new command prompt (C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin).
openssl pkcs12 -export -in d:\certificate.crt... B4J Question Certbot Discontinuing Windows Beta Support in 2024 - JackKirk    Apr 2, 2024 Erel's B4J library LetsEncrypt SSL certificates
REFERENCE: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/server-letsencrypt-ssl-certificates.159285/#content
Documenting what I have done in this area I had reason to revisit the Certbot site - which I find quite confusing to say the least.
I came... B4J Tutorial [SERVER] Valid SSL certificate for localhost for your development machine - mindful    May 16, 2018   (8 reactions) localCA.key. This file will be used as the key to generate the Root SSL certificate... create a new Root SSL certificate. Save it to a file named localCA.pem. This certificate..., section) :Random Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) :Local Certificate Email... signing request is issued via the root SSL certificate we created earlier to create a domain... Next we need to generate the keystore that will be used in the B4J Server SSL Configuration. Let... B4J Tutorial [Server] SSL Connections - Erel    Jun 28, 2021   (15 reactions)   tags: B4J, ports SSL -and-certificates-JDK-keytool
The server configuration is done with SslConfiguration object. This code should be called before the server is stared.
Private Sub ConfigureSSL (SslPort As Int... object and set the path and passwords of the keystore file.
Then we call Server.SetSslConfiguration...Starting from B4J v2.00 the server can listen to two ports, the standard insecure port (http) and... B4J Question B4J Certifice SSL - Jorge M A (first post)    Nov 24, 2021 Could someone help me with the tutorial? B4J Server: Requesting and Installing SSL Certificate https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/pages/results/?query=B4J+Server+SSL+Certificate... Share My Creation [Project Template] Web API Server 2 - aeric    Oct 11, 2024   (30 reactions) Version: 2.08 Description: Create Web API Server using B4X project template Database: MySQL... database, see MinimaList API Server For older version, see Web API Server (v1.16) Template: Web API Server (2.08).b4xtemplate Depends on: WebApiUtils.b4xlib MiniORMUtils.b4xlib WebApiController... Example Live: Creating Web API Server with B4X Template AHf1-ELK-qM oxSDZ4ZYSG8 gGXQAEMaN4M qKBF-1sCU9w... on frontend top navbar (new) ServerConfiguration class setEnableHelp to disable API Documentation... Share My Creation [Project Template] Web API Server - aeric    Oct 10, 2024   (67 reactions) Updates: Web API Server 2.0 is available. Check https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/project-template-web-api-server-2.143310/ Version: 1.16 Description: Create Web API Server with CRUD...: Web API Server (1.16).b4xtemplate Depends on following libraries: ByteConverter JavaObject jServer... use: Copy the "Web API Server (1.16).b4xtemplate" file into B4J Additional Libraries folder. Open B4J and create a new project with "Web API Server" template. Give your project... B4J Library ABMaterial - an exploration of cookies - JackKirk    May 5, 2024   (3 reactions) ://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/server-letsencrypt-ssl-certificates.159285/#content You should... various server settings - local/remote secure/unsecure selfsigned/certificate authority signed...-signed keystore - sufficient for testing, putting server behind a https://localhost:... https://eclipse.dev/jetty/documenta...rating-key-pairs-and-certificates-JDK-keytool 3. Erel's B4J library for LetsEncrypt SSL certificates - incorporated because self-signed keystores are not adequate in... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |