B4J Question (Solved)[B4XDialog] B4XColorTemplate Background Color - aeric (first post)    Sep 13, 2023   (1 reaction) More precisely, the B4XDialog is part of XUI Views and using a custom dialog and template with lazy loading. So I found it is not easy or straight forward to deal with. Furthermore, I am implementing dark and light theme to the child views. I need to find the right B4XView or panel and check if it i B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] B4XDialog - Custom dialogs - Erel    Dec 19, 2021   (21 reactions) In most cases it requires a bit more work as you also want to handle keyboard changes:
Sub ime_HeightChanged (NewHeight As Int, OldHeight As Int)
If Dialog.Visible Then Dialog.Resize(100%x, NewHeight)
End Sub
Sub Page1_KeyboardStateChanged (Height As Float)
If Dialog.Visible Then Di B4A Question [B4X] [XUI] B4XDialog - Custom dialogs with 100% transparent on background??? and statusbar?? - Erel (first post)    Feb 24, 2020 No. B4XDialog is made of a regular panel that is added to the Activity or Page.RootPanel. B4A Library [B4X] XUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs - Erel    Dec 12, 2023   (82 reactions) An evolution of SearchView.
- B4XTimedTemplate - A template that wraps other templates and creates a dialog that closes automatically after the set time with a nice animated progress bar.
It is simple to add more templates.
Tutorial about B4XDialogs: https://www.b4x.
More views and templates will B4A Library [B4X][B4XLib] B4XCheckInternetLM - LucaMs    Aug 22, 2021   (24 reactions) Very simple cross-platform library to test if an Internet connection is active. It has only one method, Check: Public CheckInternet As B4XCheckInternetLM Wait For (CheckInternet.Check(True)) Complete(Result As Boolean) If Result Then ' Else ' End If Set the DialogToo parameter to False if you ju B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] HSV Color Picker - Erel (first post)    Nov 22, 2020 Nested B4XDialogs B4A Code Snippet [B4X] B4XDialog - show with animation - Erel    Feb 24, 2020   (14 reactions) Slides the dialog from one of the sides.
Sub AnimateDialog (dlg As B4XDialog, FromEdge As String)
Dim base As B4XView = dlg.Base
Dim top As Int = base.Top
Dim left As Int = base.Left
Select FromEdge.ToLowerCase
Case "bottom"
base.Top = base.Parent.Height
B4A Question B4XDialog.title - Erel (first post)    Feb 13, 2019 It is related to the PutAtTop property. PutAtTop should be set to True when the dialog includes text fields (EditText). B4XDialog removes the title if there is not enough space for the keyboard under the dialog. B4A Question How to do as in visual basic - CaptKronos (first post)    Sep 19, 2020 B4XDialog is part of the XUI Views library. Add that library and then you will be able to declare:Dim dialog as B4XDialog B4A Code Snippet [B4X] [B4XDialog] Custom CANCEL ad CONFIRM buttons - GianniGntl    Aug 24, 2023   (11 reactions) Hi.
While developing an application project for a customer, the request to modify the modal B4XDialog emerged.
Specifically, the presence of the cancel cross on the right of the title bar was required (rather than the button at the bottom), and also a single confirmation button centered at th Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |