B4A Library [B4X] B4XPreferencesDialog - Cross platform forms - Erel    Nov 12, 2021   (51 reactions)   tags: preference, B4X, builder, B4X B4XPreferencesDialog
B4XPreferencesDialog makes it easy to create dialogs with all kinds of input fields.
The main steps required to use... tool:
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-forms-builder-designer-for-b4xpreferencesdialog... Tool [B4X] Forms Builder - Designer for B4XPreferencesDialog - Erel    Sep 22, 2019   (35 reactions)   tags: Forms Builder, B4XPreferences, Designer, preferance form builder that helps with building templates for B4XPreferencesDialog: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xpreferencesdialog-cross-platform-forms.103842/#post-651047
The output of FormsBuilder... B4A Question [Solved] How to hide "cancel/confirm" buttons in TextItem of the B4XPreferencesDialog? - asales    Apr 18, 2020 How I can hide this buttons?
Thanks in advance for any tip.... B4A Question [Solved] How to change the typeface of multiline text item in B4XPreferencesDialog - asales    Mar 12, 2020 I can change the size of multiline text item in B4XPreferencesDialog with this code: If pi.ItemType = prefdialog.TYPE_MULTILINETEXT Then Dim ft As B4XFloatTextField = prefdialog.CustomListView1.GetPanel(i).GetView(0).Tag ft.TextField.TextSize = 20 Is possible to change the Typeface of multiline text item to use a custom TTF font? Thanks in advance for any tip.... Share My Creation [B4X] B4X Pleroma - open source client for Mastodon / Pleroma social networks - Erel    Nov 4, 2020   (15 reactions) What is Mastodon? IPSbNdBmWKE Pleroma is a lightweight implementation that extends Mastodon. B4X Pleroma is a client for these social networks. More information here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/119426/#content It is based on quite a few B4X components including: BCTextEngine, BitmapCreator, MiniHtmlParser, OkHttpUtils2, OAuth, KeyValueStore, XUI Views, B4XPages, B4XDrawer, B4XGifView, B4XPreferencesDialog, BCToast, xCustomListView, BitmapsAsync, RequestsManager and... Bug? [SOLVED] B4XPreferencesDialog Bug - when data-map predefined and change at runtime value to nothing/null - returns old value ! - Magma    Jan 21, 2022 -map using at b4xpreferencesdialog and change at runtime (enduser using the form-dialog) a value to... B4J Question (Solved) B4XPreferencesDialog disabled item become enable when required field is not provided - aeric    Oct 8, 2024 Example attached.
I disable a Text item (B4XFloatTextField) in a B4XPreferencesDialog
e.g Item 1 (set disabled)
and Item 2 is a required field.
When I don't provide value for Item 2 and click OK, the page refreshed and Item 1 is now enabled.
How do I make Item 1 not enable?... B4A Question Problems with B4XPreferencesDialog - RB Smissaert    Oct 1, 2024 Using this now since some 6 weeks and it is a lot better than using lots of B4XPages with layouts... of the simple text item title (B4XFloatTextField) and the dialog buttons (OK and Cancel)
at the bottom... B4A Question B4XPreferencesDialog adjust views of Short_Options dialog - RB Smissaert    Sep 6, 2024 (iOptionsIndex), "OK", "CANCEL")
Dim pnl As B4XView = prefdialog.CustomListView1...("pnl.GetView(0).Text: " & pnl.GetView(0).Text)
For Each v As B4XView In pnl...
End Try
n = 0
Dim lbl As B4XView = pnl.GetView(1)
'this view... As B4XView In lbl.GetAllViewsRecursive
Log(n & "l: bl view left and width: " & v... B4A Question Set font size of text fields in B4XPreferencesDialog - RB Smissaert    Sep 5, 2024 the B4XPreferencesDialog is a bit small, with a default value of 14.
In the above post there is mention... the latest version of B4XPreferencesDialog.
The only simple way to fix this was to alter the source code... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |