B4A Question Can the "Printing" library be used to print via Bluetooth? - amorosik (first post)    Jun 03, 2023   (1 reaction) "..wireless an not blue-tooth.." ???
Bluetooth IS wireless
In any case, the name of the printer appears in the list of bluetooth devices visible from any phone or tablet, and clicking on it also correctly performs the pairing operation, and therefore the printer is definitely ALSO bluetooth B4A Tutorial BlueTooth Printing via SPP - timwil (first post)    Mar 08, 2016   (1 reaction) It is bluetooth - just standard bluetooth Italian Esempi Bluetooth - Fulvio75    Jan 16, 2023 Ciao a tutti, sapete indicarmi dove posso trovare un esempio aggiornato sulla comunicazione Bluetooth, precisamente lanciare comandi stringa e attendere una risposta da una periferica. Italian Bluetooth con B4A - lelelor    Apr 10, 2024 devo collegarmi ad una periferica bluetooth di cui so nome e indirizzo MAC e vorrei farlo direttamente senza passare dalla scansione delle periferiche è possibile?
uso bluetoothmanager
Grazie mille Spanish [Solucionado] Bluetooth perdido por alejamiento del dispositivo a la impresora - TILogistic (first post)    Jun 24, 2021   (3 reactions) Estos son un problema común en las conexiones Bluetooth, que se pueden controlar.
Nota: Te falto un tercero es cuando el usuario desactiva el Bluetooth.
Bueno no se cual es tu lógica de tu APP, pero tenga 2 cosas presente, la cual comente en el Post anterior, hay que separar rutinas en conexión B4i Question Crash on SignalHandler 6 after a while - Alessandro71 (first post)    Nov 09, 2020   (1 reaction) and that was it: a missing #PlistExtra: <key></key><string>Bluetooth is used to connect to the OBD adapter</string> was causing the crash Spanish lista dispositivos bluetooth - Humberto01 (first post)    Dec 20, 2022 Hola musaso un gusto de conocerte y gracias por tu sugerencia.
Mi silencio (hasta este momento) ha sido porque estuve leyendo el link que me dejaste. Realmente no he encontrado solución (aún) a mi necesidad. Pero no me cansaré de repetir que estoy aprendiendo TERRIBLEMENTE. Acerca del Entorno IDE d B4A Question How to transfer image as byte array with bluetooth - Erel (first post)    Dec 18, 2016   (1 reaction) Bluetooth is a good solution for communication with nearby devices. B4A Question Receive data with BLE 2 connection from Rfid reader - Christian García S. (first post)    Feb 26, 2018 Hello, thanks for your answers.
Classic bluetooth is BluetoothAdmin ????
Because in my first post https://www.b4x.-sdk-rfid-bluetooth-reader-to-b4a.89833 five days ago, I tried to connect with Bluetooth admin, but it generated an error and after trying many times I managed to connect with BLE, wit B4A Question Bluetooth (BLE) - Project needs development - Harris    Nov 28, 2022 For savy (Android / other) developers, please follow the link to Job Offers.
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/ble-development-project-developer-required.144434/ Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |