B4A Tutorial [B4X] CloudKVS - synchronized key / value store - Erel    Jul 17, 2016   (60 reactions) CloudKVS solves a difficult and common problem. The user needs to work with online data, however as this is a mobile app we cannot assume that the device will always be connected to the remote server.
With CloudKVS the app always B4A Question Updating local SQLite from remote MySQL - Erel (first post)    Oct 29, 2024   (1 reaction) CloudKVS is built for such cases. It stores everything locally and synchronizes when there is a connection.
Same is true for jRDC2. Download the updated data when you have connection and work with the local copy. At some point you must have a connection. B4J Question How to implement & deploy CloudKVS REST API for Web App usage? - Erel (first post)    Aug 28, 2022   (2 reactions) CloudKVS solves a specific and quite complicated use case where devices are working offline and later need to synchronize the data. Web apps by their nature are online. B4J Library [B4X] KVS2 / KeyValueStore 2 - Simple & Powerful Local Datastore - Erel    Jul 16, 2020   (41 reactions) A B4A example is attached. The class module is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i.
Tip: Check CloudKVS for an auto-synchronizing solution: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-cloudkvs-synchronized-key-value-store.63536/#content
- V2.20 - Adds support for GetMapAsync and PutMapAsy B4A Example [B4X] PHP implementation of B4XSerializator and PhpCloudKVS Server example - Toky Olivier    Aug 21, 2019   (20 reactions) Extract the attached PHPCloudKVS_Client example for B4J
Note: PHPCloudKVS uses MysqliDB wrapper for Mysqli found here to facilitate query building etc. but you can easely modify source to work without it.
What were changed from the original CloudKVS_Client from Erel?
- In the Main module (Int inst B4A Question CloudKVS Questions - Erel (first post)    Feb 16, 2020   (1 reaction) How is Java related here? CloudKVS is written in B4X.
Map is one of the most important collections. I highly recommend you to take the time and learn how to work with Maps. They are very simple to use.
You can watch the collections tutorial: https://www.b4x.com/etp.html
The key in CloudKVS is mad B4A Question CloudKVS: waiting for events from another module? - Erel (first post)    Feb 18, 2024 1. All of this will become trivial if you switch to B4XPages. No need to use the starter service and no need to delegate events.
2. Don't use code modules as they don't support events and resumable subs. Use a class instead. B4A Question any idea about working on the offline database and then synchronizing it when connected to the internet through the application ؟ - Erel (first post)    Aug 26, 2024   (1 reaction) This is more or less how CloudKVS works. Everything is added to a local journal that is synchronized when internet is available. B4A Code Snippet cloudKVS - adding list of changes to NewData event - Dave O    Sep 19, 2023   (8 reactions) In my case, I then loop through the changes, grab some data from the referenced data items (found using the user and key fields), and construct a "recent activity" listview so the user can see what's changed. I've attached the updated clientKVS file (which I've marked as 1.1 for myself, but it's an B4A Question How safe CloudKVS? - Erel (first post)    Aug 24, 2021   (1 reaction) Your question is a bit too broad. Safety can mean many things.
The CloudKVS doesn't include any authentication. If you are using it in a non-secure environment then you need to add an authentication method.
As CloudKVS is simply a handler inside a jServer project it shouldn't be difficult to add au Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |