B4A Question Debug menu disabled - jccraig (first post)    Jan 25, 2016 I tried it. But that's where it would stop, with the Debug menu still grayed out and... of the program itself, and the Debug menu item plus the debugging icons near it always stayed grayed out.... I struggled with getting the Debugging mode to work, instead of just the Release mode, for quite a while... B4A Question debug menu is disabled - mangojack (first post)    Nov 14, 2015   (2 reactions) When the Ide connects to the device in "Debug" mode (via dropdown box) the Menu item will be enabled ...
see HERE .... for a clearer explanation in a similar B4J thread.... B4J Question How come Debug is disabled, in 9.80? - B4JExplorer    Aug 21, 2023 Hi,
I have Debug set, rather than Release. But the Debug menu is disabled, and I can't set breakpoints.
Should I just reinstall?... B4i Tutorial Installing B4i-Bridge and debugging first app - Erel    Sep 18, 2022   (13 reactions) B4i-Bridge is an application that you install on the device. It has three purposes: 1. Launch the installation process when needed. This step is done with Apple Configurator 2 if using a local builder (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/installing-apps-with-apple-configurator-2.128397/). 2. Run the installed app (when installation is not needed). 3. The bridge is also the WYSIWYG visual des... B4A Question Images loaded in webviews are not displayed in mode “debug (rapid)” B4A 3.50 version - bgsoft    Mar 18, 2014 In the new Basic4Android 3.50 version, I realised that images loaded in webviews are not displayed in mode “debug (rapid)”. In other modes, as “debug (legacy)” and “release” are shown normally.
There is a simple example to check this:
Sub Globals
Dim WebV As WebView
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime AsBoolean)
WebV.Initialize... B4A Question Problem compiling on 9.8 from 8.8 - Peter Simpson (first post)    Mar 10, 2020   (1 reaction)
My problem is the Debug menu item is disabled !?!? I dont know why.
I also tried to upload.../forum/pages/results/?query=Debug+menu++disabled... Spanish B4X - Uso de custom fonts icons (SliderMenu) - TILogistic    Jun 30, 2021   (27 reactions) de uso 'Iniliaze Menu B4XSlideMenu1.Initialize(Activity, Me, "SlideMenu", ActionBar.Height, 250) 'Set imtems menu B4XSlideMenu1.AddItem(1,"Chat", FontToBitmap(Chr(0xe914), IconsFont, 26, xui.Color_Black)) B4XSlideMenu1.AddItem(2,"Photo", FontToBitmap(Chr(0xe90b), IconsFont, 26, xui.Color_Black)) B4XSlideMenu1.AddItem(3,"Map", FontToBitmap(Chr(0xe912), IconsFont, 26, xui.Color_Black)) B4XSlideMenu1... B4A Question TitleBar MenuItem - abdo.b4a    Aug 4, 2020 Dear All using Activity.AddMenuItem3 i can add an icon to title bar is there a way to remove or disable icon from Title Bar programatically ?... B4A Question [SOLVED]How to change the color of a B4XTable row according to content and then disable it? - Daniel44    Apr 6, 2020 Hi everyone! Well.. I'm working on a B4Xtable and I'd like to change X Row according to content.. Ex: I have the column "state" below it shows "Exists" and "Not Exists" and I need to change the row's color if it's "Not Exists" I've seen this post: B4XTable How do I change the color of a row ? and it paints the 5th Table Row . I need something like that but painting the whole row if it's "Not Exists" and then disable... B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS TabMenuAdvanced - Alexander Stolte    Apr 25, 2024   (38 reactions) : AS_TabMenuAdvanced1.GetTab(2).xTab.BadgeValue = 5 'Sets the Badge Value for the 3. Tab to 5 AS_TabMenuAdvanced1.GetTab(3).xTab.Enabled = False 'Disabled the 4. Tab AS_TabMenuAdvanced1.Refresh... value. ASTabMenuAdvanced_TabProperties Fields: BackgroundColor As Int DisabledColor As Int..., DisabledColor As Int, TextIconPadding As Float) As ASTabMenuAdvanced_TabProperties.../ ASTabMenuAdvanced Author: Alexander Stolte Version: 1.02 ASTabMenuAdvanced_BadgeProperties Fields... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |