B4A Question How to reset the Advertising id? - Alex_197 (first post)    Feb 10, 2023 As Device ID B4A Question Device ID - Star-Dust    Jan 02, 2019 We have often talked about how to uniquely identify a device. (See here)
No exhaustive and functional method and result for all devices and the various versions of Android.
You think you can use the Google Advertising ID to identify a device/user? B4A Question String for sending commands to a DSD TECH bluetooth card - emexes (first post)    Aug 04, 2019   (2 reactions) I don't have an example, but I've whipped one up (bit of a battle to get it going, not sure if it was my computer running out of disk space yesterday, or that copied an existing project and renamed the files) but I have to go out now, so here's what I've got so far. Run it, and the log will list de B4A Question Device ID - Zeev Goldstein    Dec 21, 2022 Hi
When installing app in debug mode the ide shows the device id
1. Is this a unique ID?
2. How can I get this ID from my app?
Thanks B4A Question In term of USB device Permision - drgottjr (first post)    Sep 08, 2024 my understanding is that the device-id and vendor-id are to be decimal, not hex. B4A Tutorial Android Device Unique ID - Alternative to PhoneId - Erel    Jun 10, 2020   (8 reactions) This is an old tutorial. It will not work on new versions of Android. You should either generate a random value when the app starts for the first time or use the advertising id: https://www.b4x.-id.101050/#content
This tutorial is based on the following blog post: Identifying App Installations | An B4i Library BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) library - Erel    May 06, 2021   (3 reactions) B4i BLE library is now available. This library allows you to connect and read data from BLE peripheral devices.
Using this library is quite simple. There are three main steps:
1. Search for devices (assuming that the state is STATE_POWERED_ON).
2. Connect to a device.
3. Read data from the device.
Wish B4A editor/compiler on Android ? - agraham (first post)    Jun 06, 2024   (3 reactions) Actually it's a full device based IDE for coding complete apps on the phone though you can use the interpreter library to add scripting to your own apps as well. B4A Question DeviceID - same function same phone 2 apps - 2 IDs - help... - Num3 (first post)    Feb 08, 2023 Due to legal restrictions and for privacy reasons, on more recent android devices the computed device ID will always be diferent from phone to phone, and also everytime you change the app key, delete & reinstall the app or reset the device.
For the purpose you want, you must develop your own solutio B4A Question Unique device ID (again) - Johan Schoeman (first post)    Sep 26, 2017   (1 reaction) I think every device does have a unique ID. I have some inline Java code that will extract it. Maybe I am wrong but from what I understand is that is ID is unique. Does android devices have a central database where unique ID's are kept/allocated? Does someone know? Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |