B4J Question FileProvider - DonManfred (first post) Apr 22, 2022 (1 reaction) FileProvider is a Androidfeature. It is not relevant for B4J.
B4J apps also do not support startatboot which is also an Androidfeature. B4A Library [class] FileProvider - share files - Erel Aug 16, 2021 (44 reactions) Edit: FileProvider is included as an internal library now.
After investigating several issues with the current FileProvider code that you can find in the forum, I decided to make some improvements and implement it in a class.
Starting from Android 7 (API 24) you cannot directly share file uris with B4A Question Problem with FileProvider and PermissionsManager (Ivica Golubovic) - Erel (first post) Jun 26, 2023 This can't be true. FileProvider class is about 20 lines of code. Its dependencies are also small and will be references in real apps anyway. B4A Question Including images from xui.DefaultFolder in a Webview local page - DonManfred (first post) Aug 12, 2022 (1 reaction) you need to use fileprovider B4A Library PermissionsManager - Ivica Golubovic May 15, 2023 (29 reactions) This is made possible by wrapping the FileProvider class from the androidx.core:core package.
As of version 1.3, the class is replaced with FileProvider static class module (B4X module). B4A Question I need a simple, GPlay aproved, Folder Chooser - Hamied Abou Hulaikah (first post) Nov 07, 2023 (1 reaction) FileProvider solves 50% of your needs, with some other on the counter free utilities files apps, the remaining 50% will be solved. B4A Question Open file from Uri - Erel (first post) May 07, 2019 To improve compatibility, FileProvider is only really used on Android 7+ devices or when the external storage is not available.
If you want to share files from File.DirInternal on older versions then change the Initialize sub of FileProvider to:
Public Sub Initialize
UseFileProvider = True B4A Question FileProvider in B4X - Erel (first post) Oct 05, 2021 I'm not sure what you mean with B4X, in this case.
You can use FileProvider with B4XPages.
And a relevant example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-texteditor-save-and-load-external-files.132731/#content B4A Question FileProvider to read from another app directory - Erel (first post) Jun 27, 2021 (3 reactions) You cannot directly read files of other apps.
The relevant example is this one: https://www.b4x.-files-from-your-app-with-file-provider.70458/#content
You should send an intent to the second app and the second app should return the file. B4A Question How to get "GetSafeDirDefaultExternal" value without RuntimePermissions lib? - drgottjr (first post) Dec 22, 2022 (1 reaction) it's not "file://"; it's "content://". "file" implies something that "content" doesn't. as to whether fileprovider knows something that nobody else knows or does something that nobody else can do is unclear (at least to me). in the fileprovider class discussed earlier, the only reference to com. Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Powered by ColBERT |