B4A Question Result of the views is not equal - PaulMeuris (first post)    Mar 15, 2023   (1 reaction) The gravity was set in the designer to "fill" so you have to do the same in the code.
ImageView2.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
ImageView2.Bitmap = aqrc.render
140283 B4A Question Centering text in label programmatically - klaus (first post)    Dec 30, 2018   (2 reactions) Or:lblCard1.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER B4A Library [B4A] [XUI] BMPopUp v1.2 - Brian Michael (first post)    Mar 28, 2023   (5 reactions) White CustomAcceptButton.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER CustomAcceptButton.TextSize = 13 Dim CustomBorder As ColorDrawable CustomBorder.initialize2(Colors.ARGB(255,53,110,218),20dip,1dip,Colors.ARGB(0,0, 0, 0)) CustomAcceptButton.Background = CustomBorder Dim CustomCancelButto B4A Question java.lang.Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - AHilberink (first post)    Apr 05, 2023 I do load the bitmaps as follow: btnOpdracht.SetBackgroundImage(LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets,"opdracht.png",btnMessages.Height-3dip,btnMessages.Height-3dip,True)).Gravity=Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL+Gravity.TOP btnSysteem.SetBackgroundImage(LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets,"instellingen.png" German Labelgröße ? - klaus (first post)    Jul 03, 2017   (1 reaction) Mit lblText.Gravity = Bit.Or(Gravity.LEFT, Gravity.TOP)
Auch mit Gravity.Top bleibt ein kleiner Rand oben.
Wenn Du den Text ganz an den Rand bringen willst kannst Du für das Padding minus Werte verwenden. B4A Question Why are transparent png images not working? - sorex (first post)    Apr 22, 2017   (1 reaction) try img.gravity=gravity.fill the roundings of that circle are probably beyond what you see (outside of that square) Italian Al lavoro, nuova app! - udg (first post)    Jan 15, 2015   (1 reaction) edPart.Gravity = Bit.OR(Gravity.CENTER, Gravity.TOP) B4A Question How to make editbox input language friendly ? - Erel (first post)    Mar 21, 2018   (1 reaction) This should work: EditText1.Gravity = 8388611 'Gravity.START B4A Question Neumorphism UI - how would you do this - JordiCP (first post)    Dec 28, 2019   (31 reactions) Initialize("")
l.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
l.TextColor = Colors.Red
l.TextSize = 20
l.Text = myText
Return l
End Sub
Sub GenerateViewShadow( P As B4XView, cornerRadius As Int, insetPercentage As Float)
Dim BigWW As Int = P.Width
Dim BigHH As Int = P.Height
B4A Library Iconify (Button, Label, Togglebutton, Toast with IconFont Icons) - DonManfred (first post)    Jun 22, 2016   (1 reaction) With V1.11 you can do it like this
IconTextView1.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
PD: You can find V1.11 in Post #1 ;) Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |