B4J Library [IoT] jPi4J - Raspberry Pi GPIO controller - Erel    Jun 26, 2023   (19 reactions) Updated libraries: https://www.b4x.-raspberry-pi-i-o-library.136113/#content
This is a wrapper for Pi4J library.
It allows you are control the Raspberry Pi board GPIO pins.
Using this library is quite simple. You can use it from a UI app or non-UI app.
First you should initialize a GpioController B4A Library IOIO board library - kolbe (first post)    Jun 09, 2016   (2 reactions) I just uploaded version 2.07 of the IOIO library. It includes the latest commits from Ytai plus a few bug fixes and doc corrections.
For this version your IOIO should be running version 5.06 of the application firmware.
The IOIO has become a solid platform. It offers a unique functionality still t B4A Question Subscribe to library updates - kolbe (first post)    Jun 09, 2016   (1 reaction) I just uploaded version 2.07 of the IOIO library. It includes the latest commits from Ytai plus a few bug fixes and doc corrections.
For this version your IOIO should be running version 5.06 of the application firmware.
The IOIO has become a solid platform. It offers unique functionality still tod B4i Library Socket.IO Client Library - Biswajit    May 14, 2022   (10 reactions) For socket.io v3 or later send 3
<b>Example:</b> <code>socket.connect("",null,null,false)</code>
Other parameters will have default value as followings:
<b>reconnection</b> = True
<b>reconnectionAttempts</b> = Infinite
<b>reconnectionDelay</b> = 1
<b>reconnectionDelayMax</b Share My Creation Simple server using SMS+Bluetooth - Beja (first post)    Mar 31, 2015 I never used IOIO because it lacks RTC. Java Question Displayio lib problem - Douglas Farias (first post)    Jul 07, 2020   (1 reaction) A ok, i m contacted the display io and the dev helped me via skype.
the correct manifest is
<activity android:name=" Italian IOIO - novità - AlpVir (first post)    Jul 27, 2015 Conosco già questa libreria. Difatti ho scritto B4J Library IOIO library for B4J - kolbe    Jun 14, 2016   (6 reactions) Here is a library that allows you to use the IOIO board with B4J! It's about the easiest way you'll find to access a microcontroller from your PC. Check out he wiki here.
Version: v2.07
This uses the latest java IOIOlib from Ytai. It includes all the latest bug fixes. Look at the IOIO wiki release B4A Library Socket.IO Client Library - syerif (first post)    Jan 24, 2024 @Biswajit is there any update to this library because i got io.socket.engineio.client.EngineIOException: xhr poll error
best regards B4A Question IOIO BOARD... some questions - tigrot (first post)    Dec 19, 2015 Hai risolto? Mauro Ps. quella del watchman non l'ho capita... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |