B4A Question The 100,000+ Downloads Club - ricardossy1 (first post)    Apr 19, 2017   (10 reactions) One more that reached the 100,000 download : Long live robotics for everybody :) Industrial Robotics 3D https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=robotic.industrial 54876 54877 B4J Question 3D Engine with B4X code - amorosik    May 23, 2022 I am seeing the Industrial Robotic 3D program and it seems to me a truly extraordinary project being able to visualize with good detail the moving components 'hinged' together
As far as I know, it was built with B4X environments
The question is: which libraries / documents / readings, is it neces Share My Creation 3d printed Rubik's cube Robot - giggetto71    Mar 04, 2024   (19 reactions) sharing another nice B4x project. B4R for the wemos controlling the sg90 servos via PCA9685, B4J for the windows UI and moves sending. in the phase 2 I will also have a raspberry pi zero 2W with camera to initialize the cube colors and most probably to run the solve code that I did not have time (an B4J Question 3D Robotic with skeleton bone - amorosik (first post)    Jun 01, 2021 Ok, suppose I made the model by composing the robo with base + first arm + second arm + hand
How to draw the whole robot by imposing the constraints of the hinge between the base and the first arm + the first arm and the second arm and so on Share My Creation Robot controller - Beja    Feb 14, 2017   (8 reactions) A 4WD heavy-duty industrial robot, controlled by Android app on smartphone. Thanks to Erel first for wonderful tools, and thanks to Eurojam for his help and guidance. 52892 8gNzNtQIuJg B4R Question rSPI32 lib - Send One Command Byte and Receive Two Bytes Back As Int - KiloBravo (first post)    Dec 19, 2021   (2 reactions) Just as an FYI, this was part of a larger project to control a two motor mobile robotic platform. The display and touch screen interrupt was a nice to have for the mobile base to display messages and interact with the robot base platform outside of the normal control program. I am using an ESP32 to B4J Tutorial [B4X] Faces, Assemblies, Traces, and Points. Standard Classes for creating a story. - William Lancee    Feb 05, 2023   (11 reactions) Since retiring some time ago, I have been thinking about creating stories that involve
computer operated robots which carry out actions and speech - like actors in a drama.
It would have at least two mobile robotic platforms that can move on a stage - about the size of a dining table.
Each platform Share My Creation New anthropomorphic face robot. A very skinny robot. - giacomo-italy    Nov 17, 2021   (18 reactions) An anthropomorphic face robot manifests 'emotions' by changing the expression of its face. A particular control algorithm allows the robot to move its head to the rhythm of the music and to move its mouth following the singing of the song. The movements are not pre-recorded and synchronized to the Italian B4A e mySql server ... - LordZenzo (first post)    Jun 14, 2018 strano che ha android e non una versione base di linux, di solito le macchine e anche i robot industriali hanno linux sicuro sia android? Italian Chiacchiericci - udg (first post)    May 26, 2017   (2 reactions) Malgrado sia vero ciò che dici, non serve l'ennesima lotta di classe (dove immancabilmente i paladini si venderanno alla faccia delle truppe).
Gli industriali robotizzati avranno un gran problema comunque: se la massa non lavora e non guadagna non può neanche spendere; dove andranno a finire tutti q Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |