B4A Question [Solved]How to sort B4XTable based on a column - mangojack (first post)    Oct 03, 2019   (4 reactions) After re-reading your question .. appologies. Try this
Sub Button1_Click
Dim column As B4XTableColumn = B4XTable1.GetColumn("Name")
If column.InternalSortMode = "ASC" Then
column.InternalSortMode= "DESC"
column.InternalSortMode= "ASC"
End If
B4XTable1 B4A Question sort B4XTable - Erel (first post)    Mar 03, 2019   (2 reactions) Yes: B4XTable1.AddColumn("Name", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT).InternalSortMode = "DESC" 'or "ASC" 'or Dim c As B4XTableColum = B4XTable.AddColumn(...) c.InternalSortMode = "ASC" Set the internal sort mode field before you set the data. B4J Question How to emulate B4XTable column title click to sort its content ascending or descending using code? [Solved] - Erel (first post)    Mar 18, 2021   (3 reactions) 'SortMode - ASC or DESC
Sub Sort (Table As B4XTable, Column As B4XTableColumn, SortMode As String)
For Each c As B4XTableColumn In Table.Columns
If c = Column Then
c.InternalSortMode = SortMode
c.InternalSortMode = ""
E Wish B4XTableColumn InternalSortMode - Alain75    Oct 20, 2023 The property InternalSortMode of a B4XTABLE column may be set by code with "ASC" or "DESC". In that case :
Header displays an arrow showing the direction of the sorting option (ascending or descending)
Content column is sorted, case sensitive
As this property is probably added to the SQLite sort c B4A Question Sorting Mysql data the second time - TILogistic (first post)    Oct 23, 2021 sort: B4XTable .InternalSortMode B4XTable1.AddColumn("Name", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT).InternalSortMode = "DESC" 'or "ASC" 'or Dim c As B4XTableColum = B4XTable.AddColumn(...) c.InternalSortMode = "ASC" Map https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xcollections-more-collections.101071/ Ar B4A Question Where can I find help on searching? - Erel (first post)    Oct 16, 2019   (1 reaction) A simple search for InternalSortMode gives the best results available in the forum:
Try it. B4A Tutorial [B4X] Public variables, custom types, ... - Mahares (first post)    Dec 19, 2023   (1 reaction) Sorry. I could not tell if your thread is a wish, example or tutorial, or if you are addressing it to Erel or everyone else. But, sometimes the choice of words in the properties or methods makes it difficult to tell what you need to follow it with. In this case: Instead of: c.InternalSortMode , I B4A Question B4XTable sorting problem - Mahares (first post)    Aug 30, 2023 Can you show the code for InternalSortMode and where you put it. Also, you can apply internalSortMode only to one column. Unless you prefer to post your project B4A Question Problem with Length function in B4XTable SQL - RB Smissaert (first post)    Sep 11, 2023 Yes, with the cast it works also as parameterized query. Probably best for uniformity to keep it all parameterized, so that Sub now is like this:
Public Sub BuildQuery (WithPageLimit As Boolean) As Object()
Dim c As Int
Dim n As Int
Dim SortColumn As String
Dim strFind As Stri B4A Question B4x table add row after current selected row - Mahares (first post)    Sep 24, 2022   (2 reactions) You can't simply insert a record below the selected record because the B4XTable data displayed is stored in a SQLite in-memory database and the record goes to the end of the table. But what you can do is add an internal sort to the column in question say in this case it is called: 'Make'. When you Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |