B4J Library [server] LetsEncrypt SSL certificates - Erel    Mar 3, 2024   (21 reactions) LetsEncrypt provides SSL certificates for free. The certificates are created and renewed using...
'srvr.AddFilter("/*", "HttpsFilter", False)
End Sub
The LetsEncrypt class... B4J Library ABKeystoreSSL: SSL Certificate generator using Let's Encrypt - alwaysbusy    Nov 8, 2024   (17 reactions) HTTP/2 mode. This is a Let's encrypt limitation.
Also, READ THE LOGS. There is important info in..., I check here if it is my local PC. If so I do not use the production server of Let's Encrypt... B4J Tutorial [Server] Using Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu VPS - aeric    Oct 30, 2020   (18 reactions) use Let's Encrypt. There are many tutorials here but I am confused with the steps. Especially for...). Let's Encrypt is a popular choice. I found it is easy to install on Ubuntu. Once installed, my... B4J Question Webview & Certificate Lets encrypt - Siam    Mar 19, 2016 Hello,
i will open an SSL Page witch has a Let's encrypt Certificate but nothing happens
if... the certificate from let's encrypt ?
Andy... B4A Tutorial [B4X] Manage your own Let´s Encrypt Certificates (ACME Client) - DonManfred    Jan 11, 2019   (10 reactions)   tags: Erel, ssl While looking around on interesting projects to wrap i found a java console app (jar file) which is able to create and manage Certificates which can be used in your Server.
It manages Let´s Encrypt Certificates for you.
I thought it may be useful for someone.
ACME Client on Github
Porunov Java... B4J Library AutoKeyGenerator: create Jetty compatible certificates using LEt's Encrypt and CloudFlare - wl    May 4, 2020   (13 reactions) ) on Let's Encrypt and communicates with the CloudFlare API to do DNS challenging.
The code has been... DonManfred for his post at: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-manage-your-own-let´s-encrypt... be expected: please let me know when you encounter any.... B4A Question Let's Encrypt unacceptable certificate - hatzisn    Sep 29, 2021 I tried in Android 11 to contact my site which is SSL protected with Let's Encrypt certificate... certificate: CN=R3, O=Let's Encrypt, C=US, Response:
What is wrong with it? Chrome in laptop does... B4A Question LetsEncrypt root certificate changes - Pendrush (first post)    Nov 18, 2020   (1 reaction) Maybe this can help:
https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-okhttputils2-ihttputils2-and-accept-all-option.110673/... B4J Question Certbot Discontinuing Windows Beta Support in 2024 - JackKirk    Apr 2, 2024 Erel's B4J library LetsEncrypt SSL certificates
REFERENCE: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/server-letsencrypt-ssl-certificates.159285/#content
Documenting what I have done in this area I had reason to revisit the Certbot site - which I find quite confusing to say the least.
I came... B4J Question Jetty Server - HTTPS - Certbot - LetsEncrypt - Jetty or Apache - Erel (first post)    May 15, 2019 If your certificate is not recognized then you can skip verification: https://www.b4x.com/android/fo... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   |