Share My Creation MSMaterialDrawer - Build Navigation drawers FAST - thedesolatesoul    Apr 17, 2015   (20 reactions) MDB.Initialize("MD")
MDB.AddPrimaryDrawerItem ("Weather" , p1.Drawable ,Null ,"99+" ,True,1, "Shows the weather")
MDB.AddPrimaryDrawerItem ("Insanity" , p2.Drawable ,Null ,"2" ,True,2, "")
MDB.AddPrimaryDrawerItem ("Awesome" , p3.Dra Share My Creation MSMaterialDrawer(change gravity from left to right) - ArminKH (first post)    Aug 30, 2015   (2 reactions) See this thread B4A Library MSMaterialMenu - Animating icons - thedesolatesoul    Mar 23, 2015   (25 reactions) This library simulates some animations on the drawer icon on the titlebar that are coming in on the material design.
It comes from this library:
- The NineOldAndroid java package, is included in the zip file.
Cr B4A Tutorial Material Design 2 - Using the AppCompat library - corwin42 (first post)    Jan 18, 2016   (3 reactions) Yes, there are several libraries with which you can add this effect.
AHNavigationdrawer (Navigation drawer which includes an animated hamburger->arrow drawable)
MSMaterialDrawer (Simple to use Navigation drawer which automatically includes this effect. Recommended)
MSMaterialMenu (Drawable with the Italian Errore MSMaterialDrawer - Giovanniluca Vuono    Jan 17, 2022 Salve a tutti, La nuova versione di B4A (11.2) mi da errori quando compilo un vecchio progetto del 2019. L'errore viene generato da 2 librerie: MSMaterialDrawer e MSCardView..a quanto ho capito non sono più aggiornate. Qualcuno ha avuto lo stesso problema? B4A Question MSMaterialDrawer and targetSdkVersion=28 and B4A ver 9.30 - Anser    Aug 28, 2019 view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(
at com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.Drawer.withDrawerLayout(
at com.mikepenz.mater B4A Question ActionBar + sliding panel like "Slides" application - lemonisdead (first post)    Jul 02, 2015   (3 reactions) Hello, Please take a look at thedesolatesoul's MSMaterialDrawer : https://www.b4x..53883/#content and corwin42's Material Design Tutorials : https://www.b4x.-design-1-basics.48077/#content Italian MSMaterialDrawer - Icon Font che non sono icone.. - Emme Developer (first post)    Jan 29, 2018 Devi creare all'interno di files una cartella font e inserirci i font scaricati. Comunque ti consiglierei di passare alla DSNavigationDrawer della liberia design support B4A Question sdk update and MSMaterialDrawer - asales (first post)    Dec 29, 2016   (2 reactions) Try to set a more recent version of android.jar (of SDK) in "Tools - Configure Paths". B4A Question AHNavigationDrawer with Material Design - ArminKH (first post)    Jul 21, 2015   (3 reactions) why u don't want to use MSMaterialDrawer lib? thats better for design material style Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |