B4J Question Menubar - Make menu title clickable? - tchart    Oct 18, 2020 Hi, I have a menubar with a few child menus. I need to implement clickable item on the toolbar - this is so the user doesnt have to click the menu to activate a tool.
I can change the text out for... B4A Question B4XPages and custom menubar - RB Smissaert    Jan 4, 2023 Just started with B4XPages and added a simple custom menubar, not based on the built-in Android menubar, but based on
layouts with panels, labels and buttons.
As far as I understand most apps... B4A Question How to set colour of menubar in BXPages example project MenuWithBadge? - RB Smissaert    Sep 11, 2021 Looking into converting to B4XPages and started with this example project:
How do I set the colour of the B4XPages menubar... B4J Question Menubar settings do not use the designer settings - Swissmade    Aug 15, 2021 I have a form build with a Menubar.
Funny is, I set the menubar to be 78 width but when I run the app the Menubar is full size width of the form.
Somebody any idea
Thanks... B4J Code Snippet MenuBar Create Dynamically FontAwesome Icon - rwblinn    Apr 10, 2018   (7 reactions) Example creating dynamically FontAwesome icons for a MenuBar. This solution, see Sub TextToImage... MenuBar1 Menu JSON string defined in the Visual Designer {Text: "_Navigation", Children... MainForm As Form Private Menu_Items As Map Private MenuBar1 As MenuBar End Sub Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String) MainForm = Form1 ' The layout contains a menubar with JSON... End Sub Sub AppInit Menu_Items.Initialize Menu_Items = MenuBar_Items(MenuBar1... B4J Question MenuBar and Class Module (Standard Class) - giannimaione    Apr 2, 2020 usually we have a MenuBar (AS myMenu) and a code like
'dim pMenu as Pane
Sub myMenu_Action
Dim mi As MenuItem = Sender
Dim tag As String
tag = mi.Tag
Select tag
Case... B4J Question how to make a MenuBar ? - giannimaione    Mar 9, 2020 how to make from code a MenuBar without internal designer?... Italian in B4J come si crea un MenuBar da codice - giannimaione    Mar 9, 2020 ♫ ho girato e rigirato senza sapere cosa fare ♫ ♫ ♫
in B4J come si crea un MenuBar da codice, quindi senza utilizzare il Designer interno?... B4J Question help with menubar - zed (first post)    Jan 15, 2024 You can use an eventName or retrieve with sender.
Dim mi As MenuItem = Sender... B4J Question Change menubar JSON selection - ThRuST    Dec 31, 2017 I'm using Derez menu designer to make a JSON menu. There's a menu to change colors and a few selections. How can I access the... Page: 1   2   3   4   |