B4J Question ABMaterial page.msgbox2 Title and Message Color - walterf25    Mar 29, 2024 that, the msgbox doesn't seem to show up. page.Msgbox2("invalidemail", "{C: #ffffff}Please... = ABM.INTENSITY_LIGHTEN2 MyTheme.MsgBox("msgdialog").ConfirmButtonColor = "primary" MyTheme.MsgBox("msgdialog").ConfirmButtonColorIntensity = ABM.INTENSITY_LIGHTEN2...Hi all, it's me again :) I am trying to add theme colors to a msgbox dialog, so far I am able...: MyTheme.AddMsgBoxTheme("msgdialog") MyTheme.MsgBox("msgdialog").BackColor... B4J Question msgbox2 cuts text with ... using two CRLF's - KMatle    Jan 17, 2024 Today I've seen that longer messages displayed with msgbox2 are cut with ... when there are two following CRLF's. Is this a bug?
fx.Msgbox2(InvoicesForm,"Testtext asfjafja afajfaj... B4A Question Msgbox2 buttons (Msgbox2Async) - Sergey_New    Jun 3, 2023 Can you please tell me how to disable uppercase in the button names for Msgbox2 (Msgbox2Async).
I used to see a way on the forum, but now I can not find it by searching for the word "allcaps... Bug? Weird WebView and MsgBox2 conflict - JohnC    Sep 6, 2017 wv_OverrideUrl (Url As String) As Boolean
Select Case Msgbox2(URL,"Display URL?","Yes... back.
If I simply substitute MsgBox instead of MsgBox2, then the problem go away. So there is some... Italian msgbox2 deprecato ma quale sostituire senza errori? - fifiddu70    Oct 2, 2022 , la cosa diventa antipatica perchè appena passo da msgbox2 a msgbox2async non riesco a venirne a capo...")
Dim result As Int
result = Msgbox2("Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il... B4A Question Msgbox/Msgbox2 Label Wrap on non-Holo themes - Jeffrey Cameron    Jun 17, 2015 I have several customers still using old devices that are running gingerbread. This started sometime back in B4A version 4.x but I'm just now getting around to addressing it. Any long messages I display using the MsgBox or the MsgBox2 functions are not wrapped and any explicit CRLF pairs are ignored when the box is displayed, for example: Msgbox2("Line 1" & CRLF & "Really long line two to see if this wraps on the display." & CRLF & "Line 3"... Bug? Android 5.1 and B4A MsgBox2 issue. - NJDude    Mar 17, 2015   (1 reaction) It seems the new upgrade breaks B4A MsgBox2, the icon doesn't show up, it did just fine on 5.0.2. I've just got the upgrade on my Nexus 7 and after testing it I spotted that issue. EDIT TO ADD: It seems that the icon MUST be 32x32 (unless B4A is not resizing it).... B4A Question Msgbox and Msgbox2 Modal? - tdocs2    Sep 22, 2014 Greetings, all, and thank you in advance for answering my question. core.xml - version 3.8 KEYWORDS Msgbox Method Shows a modal message box with the specified message and title. When I use Msgbox or Msgbox2, they do not behave as modal. If I click anywhere outside the Msgbox, it disappears - thus, non-modal. I must have missed a foundational building block. The definition of a modal box is: A modal dialog box requires the user to close the dialog box before any other action is taken. Any... B4A Question MsgBox and MsgBox2 depreciation - Alex_197    Jun 1, 2020 Hi all.
I have a question - is there any way other then manually to replace MsgBox and MsgBox2 that already in my code?
I know that I can replace them with MsgBoxAsync and MsgBoxAsync2 but I want MsgBoxAsync to do the same as MsgBox does.
I understand a difference between them and I know... of time.
So my question is - is there any way to do something similar to
Public Sub MsgBox(str... B4A Question Msgbox2 button font size - canalrun    Mar 31, 2020 Hello,
I have a three-year-old project, strictly for personal use. I am updating an app so that it runs on a Ticwris Max 640x480 pixel watch. I am using a msgbox2 (yes, I've seen the depreciation... of the button fonts in msgbox2?... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   |