B4A Question Connect To Bluetooth Dice - emexes (first post)    Feb 14, 2023   (1 reaction) Notifications means that data is "pushed out" from the BLE device, usually only when the data changes rather than you having to poll it.
Try enabling notifications ("hit it about" one time) and then change the orientation of that die, see if any data is emitted by the UART. If not, then maybe that B4A Question Update Notifications - wes58 (first post)    Jun 06, 2021 Notifications are Android feature, so you should, for example, google "android notification development". And you will find: B4A Question Notifications - Erel (first post)    Sep 24, 2016   (1 reaction) You should use a Service and call StartServiceAt to schedule it to start at the given time. Once it has started you can do whatever you like including showing a notification. B4A Library Notification Builder Library. - barx    Dec 12, 2017   (48 reactions) OnGoingEvent As Boolean
Sets whether the notification is an 'ongoing event'.
The notification will be shown in the ongoing section and will not be cleared.
OnlyAlertOnce As Boolean
Sets whether the notification will only play sound / vibrate /show light if the notification is not already showing.
B4A Library NB6 - Notifications Builder - Erel    Dec 25, 2023   (63 reactions) Background
For a long time there were two ways for B4A developers to show notifications:
- Simple notifications with the built-in Notification object.
- More complex notifications with barx's NotificationBuilder library. Thank you barx for all your work!!!
The notifications features changed a lot B4A Question Notification is displayed when app has no notifications defined when widget is on home screen - rleiman (first post)    Jan 07, 2020 Greetings,
The widget service can't be stopped because it updates times on the widget so I can't use StopAutomaticForeground. B4i Question Silent Push Notifications - Erel (first post)    Jan 07, 2018 Two types of notifications:
- Regular notifications: reliable. Do not start your app. Only show notification. You will not see anything in the logs.
- Silent notifications: unreliable. They do start your app and you will see the message with iReleaseLogger. B4A Question A little confused about Push Notifications - davemorris (first post)    Aug 29, 2021   (1 reaction) HI
We have used notifications as a form of communications on Apps for years. It don't matter what you do, the phones appear to go into a "deep sleep" if unused. We have tried all types of tricks to keep them responding to notifications - either by FCM or Sockets using TCP, and frankly none work if B4A Question App notification - hookshy    Nov 01, 2019 Here is a note from google for core app quality. Notifications are persistent only if related to ongoing events (such as music playback or a phone call). Each day I find an app of mine released on google play that shows a notification on the android device , just the icon of the app and the app tit B4A Question [SOLVED] Sporadic crash mentioning EGL_BAD_ALLOC - JordiCP (first post)    Jul 12, 2018 Not only Toastmessages but also Notifications are UI elements, even if not related to Activities, so it could also happen here. Just to narrow-down the search, I'd comment out where the notifications are updated to see if results change. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |