B4J Question PostMultipart: upload file with some POST parameters - peacemaker    Feb 10, 2022   (3 reactions) ".txt", round(microtime(true) * 1000));
sendResponse(200, 'ret' => 'ok',
'msg' => 'Uploaded OK',
'file' => $filename,
'size' => filesize($path),
'upload_dir' => $upload_dir
} else {
sendResponse(500, Spanish PostMultipart y https - GeoT (first post)    Jan 13, 2024   (2 reactions) Hola, msucho.
Creo que podrías añadir que ya lo preguntaste en Android Questions en el hilo https://www.b4x.-and-https.157755/#post-969581, donde facilitaste más información útil sobre tu caso. Aunque allí no se pudo resolver.
Pero es solamente una opinión. B4J Question [server] How to handle postmultipart - Chris Guanzon (first post)    Oct 23, 2022   (1 reaction) Thank you very much, Sir Erel! ☺️
Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
resp.ContentType = "multipart/form-data"
Dim reqMap As Map = req.GetMultipartData(File.Combine(File.DirApp, "www"), 1000000)
For Each Key As String In reqMap.Keys
Dim p As Part = reqM Italian Job.Postmultipart (in questo caso) a volte non capisco se ci è o ci fa - antonio.murtino    Jun 25, 2017 in pratica esegue una "ExitApplication", l'altra cosa meravigliosa è che le informazioni inviate al server arrivano regolarmente, ovviamente in modalità One-Shot, visto che la app si chiude.
Avete qualche vaga idea di ciò, anche altre volte mi è capitata una cosa del genere, ma modificando leggerme B4A Question HttpJob.PostMultipart - aeric (first post)    Feb 22, 2023   (1 reaction) Consider to use PostBytes ?
Dim stream() As Byte = File.ReadBytes(File.DirAssets, "file.pdf")
job.PostBytes(Link, stream) B4A Library (B4A-B4J Chargeable) Amir_Retrofit - alimanam3386    Jun 11, 2020   (17 reactions) Send your requests and Generate B4A/B4J Retrofit Code ! 95494 95495 As you know PostMan is a HTTP client for testing web services. simply AXPostMan will test your API With jAmir_Retrfoti and also you can generate B4A-B4J Retrofit codes to use it on your project. you can download AXPostMan and tes B4A Question PostMultipart for Images + strings for classic ASP api - Brandsum (first post)    Sep 22, 2019   (1 reaction) You can also post a file or image as a byte array (it's useful when you need to encrypt your data before posting)
Dim cb As B4XBitmap = <yourimage>
Dim out As OutputStream
cb.WriteToStream(out, 80, "JPEG")
Dim rawimage() As Byte = out.ToBytesArray
Dim j As H B4A Question PostMultipart - Arrays of Arrays - DonManfred (first post)    Sep 19, 2017   (1 reaction) Does the script/programm support getting a map inside the data?
I can not see a problem in B4A Code. The server-Side must accept the data to be in this format B4J Tutorial Updated MySQL & PHP example - DonManfred (first post)    Oct 04, 2019   (2 reactions) 1. If you use job.PostMultipart you can send fileuploads together with any info you want. 2. Remember that you are using okhttputils and can use special header you send together with the request. On php-side you should be able to extract the header (need to parse the info by yourself though). B4A Question Request URI Too Long - DonManfred (first post)    May 08, 2023   (2 reactions) You should use PostMultipart and handle the fileupload correctly in PHP. You are not limited to any amount of data using POST-Requests A GET-Request can only have a limited amount of data. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |