B4A Library New Net library - Android FTP, SMTP and POP3 - Erel    Feb 14, 2021   (21 reactions) Allows adding headers to the messages.
V1.63 - Fixes an issue with SMTP mails with attachments. The closing boundary was previously missing.
V1.62 - Fixes an issue with SMTP in StartTLS mode.
V1.61 - Fixes an issue in SMTP related to the content encoding not being set in multipart messages.
V1.60 B4J Question SMTP.AddAttachment - EnriqueGonzalez (first post)    Jan 12, 2023   (1 reaction) Yes, the library makes a lot of process to put the attachments on the mail even with javaobject it is not possible B4J Code Snippet [B4X] Solving encoding issues with html mails sent with SMTP (Net library) - Erel (first post)    Mar 15, 2021   (8 reactions) Use this sub if you need to send mail with attachments:
'Each item in the Attachments list is an array with the file directory and name.
Sub CreateHtmlAndAttachmentsBody (smtp As SMTP, Html As String, Attachments As List)
Dim sb As StringBuilder
Dim eol As String = Chr(13) B4J Question smtp attachments with Chinese filenames - xulihang    Mar 29, 2018   (2 reactions) Hi guys,
I am sending attachments with Chinese filenames using SMTP. But the received attachments' names are wrong. Which is like this: 璇曢.docx, while it should look like this:试题.docx.
I am running this program on a Chinese windows 10.
I think it is an encoding problem. How can I fix this?
th B4A Question [SOLVED] File provider - question - DonManfred (first post)    Sep 05, 2024   (1 reaction) The example in the FileProvider Thread does show how to send an email with Attachment.
If you do not want o use an Intent then all you can do is to use SMTP.
With your credentials hardcoded. Or even with different usernames for each customer. This is more work though. B4A Question Is it possible to send more then one Attachment - Licht2002    Dec 04, 2019 Hallo, with following code i can send an Email with ONE Attachment Dim SMTP As SMTP .... .... SMTP.Initialize("smtp.gmail.com", 587, "sender@gmail.com", "xxxxx", "SMTP") SMTP.StartTLSMode = True SMTP.To.Add("xxxxxx@googlemail.com") SMTP.Subject = "Subject-Text " SMTP.Body = "Body-Text"" SMTP.Add German Mail Attachment als Base64 String - so27    Jan 18, 2016 Hallo zusammen,
ich habe gerade mal wieder ein kleines Problemchen. Ich lasse mir eine MP3-Datei als Anhang einer E-Mail über den folgenden Code senden:
SMTP.Initialize("mail.xy.de", 25, "meine@xy.de", "passwort","SMPT")
SMTP.UseSSL = False
SMTP.Subject B4J Question Simple email with attachment - Erel (first post)    Mar 20, 2019   (2 reactions) See SMTP object from jNet library. B4A Question [SOLVED] Long name of mail attachment - Jerryk    Apr 02, 2024 Private Sub btnSendEmail_Click
Wait For (FileHandler1.Load("*/*", "Choose file")) Complete (Result1 As LoadResult)
If Result1.Success Then
Private fDir, fName As String
fName = Result1.FileName
fDir = Result1.Dir
SMTP B4A Code Snippet Sending HTML Email via SMTP - Tron    Jul 18, 2015   (10 reactions) Hi Everyone. In my last project I needed an email function. I decided to use the NET Lib to send mails via SMTP. If you use messages with attachments, there is nothing special to discuss, but without attachments it is a little bit tricky. The reason for attention is the SMPT/MIME Type "Quoted-Printa Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |