Wish Runtime symbols for current sub and current line - Alessandro71 (first post)    Aug 16, 2022 Sender is a runtime object, CURRENTxxx tokens might just be preprocessor macros B4A Question ViewsEx or XUI Views and Sender(solved) - Star-Dust (first post)    Jun 24, 2020 No, your personalized view doesn't change. The sender is a simple EditText internal to the FloatLabeledEditText .
If then you need to recall the personalized view is another matter. You have to use another method than the sender. B4A Question ActivitySetResult + FileProvider + Bitmap = Failure - JohnC (first post)    Feb 20, 2023 Basically, he has two apps.
The "Sender" apps sends an image via an intent to the "Reciever" app, and this part works.
But when the "Receiver" app tries to send an image back to the "Sender" using an intent, the sender does properly recieve the intent and the URI part of the intent, but when the S B4A Question Sender does not work - walt61 (first post)    Mar 23, 2024   (1 reaction) Please post (export as zip) a small test project that demonstrates the error. It looks like the sender is a button and not an edittext but it's hard (for me at least) to say what's going wrong without more details. B4A Tutorial Google Push Notification for dummies (GCM) - KMatle    May 04, 2016   (7 reactions) As there are several apps on your device which need to receive "notifications" (e.g. WhatsApp, Facebook, GMail, etc.) each app has to register itsself to the Google api for a sender. So what is a "sender" and how is it named? Get to https://console.cloud.google.com and login with your developer ac Other B4A v7.01 has been released! - moster67 (first post)    May 24, 2017 Thank you!
Btw: What is this referring to:
"Sender is set when raising events with CallSub or CallSubDelayed from classes."? Is there a related forum-post? Bug? Sender: Object should first be initialized (ImageView). - William Lancee (first post)    Aug 03, 2021   (1 reaction) The order of your statements is wonky. I assume ImageViewSerie is an ImageView with the Tag property set
Sub ImageViewSerie_Click
Dim Trigger As ImageView = Sender
Dim Serie As String = Trigger.Tag
Debug("Sub ImageViewSerie_Click")
Debug("Trigger.tag : " & Serie) B4A Library ReplyAuto - Library Response WhatsApp, Telegram (background service) - cheveguerra (first post)    Apr 18, 2022   (1 reaction) Hi, is it possible to know if the sender is a group or a person??
Hola, es posible saber si el que manda el mensaje es un grupo o un chat individual?
Best regards B4i Question Adding B4XComboBox to CustomListView - Zhien (first post)    Feb 09, 2023 The Sender object is a keyword in B4X. I did not need to define it. B4J Question Sender not set in WebView_LocationChanged event - drgottjr (first post)    Jul 05, 2022   (5 reactions) sleep() kills the sender. if i add sleep() to my example, sender becomes null. sender is only valid within the sub (see erel's documentation). sleep() alters that situation. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |