B4A Library [B4X] B4XDrawer - sliding drawer - Erel    Dec 08, 2020   (65 reactions) Edit: Cross platform example based on B4XPages https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xpages-b4xdrawer.120246/
A class that implements a sliding menu. Unlike the nice jfeinstein SlidingMenu library B4A Code Snippet Image viewer. A zoomable image within each sliding panel - GeoT    Mar 25, 2023   (9 reactions) agraham's ScaleImageView library allows you to zoom the image by pinching and double-clicking.
Dominex's SlidingPanels class allows in part to place large, horizontally sliding panels.
I have put them together by making some modifications to the SlidingPanels class and adaptations with the ScaleIma B4A Library [B4X] AS FloatingPanel - Alexander Stolte    Dec 16, 2024   (29 reactions) Color As Int, Width As Float, Height As Float, Left As Float, Top As Float) As
getArrowOrientation_Bottom As String
The Arrow is on the bottom of the panel
getArrowOrientation_Left As String
The Arrow is on the lft of the panel
getArrowOrientation_Right As String
The Arrow is on the right of the B4A Tutorial Android SlidingPanels - Simple way to create sliding layouts - Erel    Aug 15, 2016   (4 reactions) This is an old tutorial. There are now simpler and better ways to achieve this effect.
For example: https://www.b4x.-better-viewpager.63975/
Sliding layouts are cool.
Using the Animation library it is not difficult to animate single views and panels that hold other views.
The following code modul B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS FloatingActionMenu - Alexander Stolte    May 28, 2024   (14 reactions) b4x.-to-bitmap.95155/post-603250 getCloseOnTap As Boolean Default: True getColor As Int getCornerRadius As Float Default: 10dip GetCustomDrawItem (Index As Int) As getFloatingPanel As b4j.example.as_floatingpanel Can only be used after ShowPicker is called getItemProperties As getOpenOrientat Spanish [SOLUCIONADO] Un ScaleImageView dentro de cada SlidingPanels. Error al eliminar. - GeoT (first post)    Mar 21, 2023   (1 reaction) Al final era un cambio que no había aplicado en este ejemplo.
Era un error mío en la clase SlidingPanels, en su método ModeFullScreen.
Lo solucioné cambiando
Dim Panels(Max(NumberOfPanels,2)) As Panel
por Dim Panels(Max(NumberOfPanels,1)) As Panel.
Cambiado de 2 a 1, por lo que puede quedar un solo B4A Library SD: Panel Extra (Slide Swap Scroll) - Star-Dust    Jun 30, 2020   (32 reactions) SlidePanel ' Slide Up/Down/Left/Right
Close (FromCode As Boolean)
Open (FromCode As Boolean)
PanelSlide As Panel
SlidePanelAnchor As Int
CloseAutomatically As Boolean
IsOpen As Boolean
Class_Globals As String
CloseSlidePanel As String
DesignerCreateView (Base As B4A Library ScaleImageView - Pan and zoom large images - GeoT (first post)    Apr 03, 2023 Hi agraham.
Looks like I've gotten your ScaleImageView library to work inside the panels of Dominex's SlidingPanels class.
In Image viewer. A zoomable image within each sliding panel.
Sorry to tell you here. Spanish Variables globales - mczubel (first post)    Apr 19, 2016   (1 reaction) slidingpanels es la búsqueda que puedes hacer tienes varios ejemplos de Erel descargables. más nuevos y más viejos todos funcionan y son deslizables como lo dice su nombre vas pasando de 1 a otro con el dedo o puedes saltar a uno específico por código.
puedes carga un spinner en uno y mostrar el sp Spanish [SOLUCIONADO] - Cambiar de panel con el debo (Touch - ACTION_MOVE ) - TILogistic (first post)    Jul 13, 2020   (2 reactions) ver otro simple: https://www.b4x.-slidingpanels-simple-way-to-create-sliding-layouts.8233/ https://www.b4x.-nice-sliding-panels-with-page-indicator.12105/ Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |