B4A Tutorial [B4X] Smart String Literal - Erel    Dec 8, 2016   (53 reactions)   tags: smart string literal, smart string The "smart string" literal is a more powerful version of the standard string literal... interpolation.
The smart string literal starts with $" and ends with "$.
Dim... Bug? Smart String Literal - changing text case when adding placeholder - tchart    Jan 16, 2023 As per title, if I have a multi-line smart string literal and add a placeholder any B4X keywords have their case changed.
Watch the GIF image below, when the ${ is entered the text to the right... Italian utilizzo di Smart String Literal" $ a cosa serve? - Xfood    Feb 2, 2020 scusate, non ho capito quando conviene utilizzare il carattere $ per formattare una stringa, e come utilizzarlo esattamente.
quale differenza ce in questo semplice codice?
qualcuno mi spiega come utilizzare correttamente $" ciao mondo"$
Sub TestAdd(aMax As Int)
Private Num... B4J Question Smart String Literal in a Smart String Literal? - tchart    Aug 31, 2017 I need to put an example Smart String Literal within a Smart String Literal.
It seems to interpret... : "${t}"}"$)
I want to write this out as a string. I tried this but it doesnt work.
Dim tt... B4J Question Smart String Literal - mading1309    Oct 29, 2019 I run into a trouble with Smart String Literals and $Datetime
The long number 1546127715000
is converted to 2019.12.30 07:55:15
But the long number 1572393316601
is converted to 2019.10.30 07:55:16... Bug? Multi-line Smart String Literal Issue - tchart    Aug 3, 2017 There seems to be an issue with the syntax highlighting with multi-line smart string literals in 5.82
If I have a smart string literal which has multiple lines in a function call it seems to lose the syntax highlighting after the end of the smart string literal.
Example below. Notice how the "True" is red when its on two lines.
58398... B4A Question B4X Keywords in Smart String Literal not Working - Erel (first post)    Jul 3, 2022   (1 reaction) This is a by design limitation related to the IDE performance. The IDE parser needs to build the page structure as fast as possible and handling this edge case would have a big impact on performance.
... B4J Question ExecNonQuery2 and Smart String Literals - 73Challenger (first post)    May 16, 2022 that is the same structure as your data row (Type GameRow in the code snippit below)
2. A SQL String builder (GetUpdateGameRecordString in the snippit below) to get the update string
3. A data array builder... B4A Question [Solved] How should I use a smart string literal in this case? - Sergio Castellari (first post)    Oct 6, 2021 )
cFiltroTE = B4XComboBox1.cmbBox.GetItem(Index).SubString2(0,2)
End Sub
Private Sub Filtrar
Dim cFiltrar = "" As String
If cFiltroSIN = "" And cFiltroTE...Based on @Erel's explanation, more tests and trials, I found out how I can dynamically filter... B4A Question [SOLVED] How to use smart string literal with SQL - Erel (first post)    Dec 2, 2018 The correct answer is to use ExecNonQuery2.
sql1.ExecNonQuery2($"INSERT INTO lTest VALUES(2, ? ,? , 1, ? , 1)"$, Array As String(listNumbers.Get(i), ...))
Watch the SQL databases video... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   |