B4A Question Mashy Teaches WebApp/Website Development with BANanoVuetifyAD3 - The New Series - Mashiane (first post)    Sep 16, 2021   (1 reaction) 14 - Creating a Text File NotePad (i.e. reading text files) We open a text file and load it into a text-area, we can edit it. This is just to show how one can select and read text file contents. GGyrnmIrvQo B4A Example Share Text File Between 2 Apps - aeric    Jun 01, 2024   (2 reactions) This is just another example based on the ManageExternalStorage class provided by @agraham.
It is a response to this question.
B4ARepositoryWriter - writes a text file to an "external" directory (you can view using File Explorer).
B4ARepositoryReader - reads the text file in this directory if it ex B4A Question Retrieve simple value from web Server - aeric (first post)    Oct 17, 2022   (1 reaction) I think so.
I usually don’t read a simple value. I will think that my system will have flexibility for more complicated values. If your case is just a simple value, then there are many ways to do it. Text file is just one of the ways. B4A Question Explaining text files - ilan (first post)    Mar 21, 2021   (3 reactions) File.writestring() will create a new file (if it doesnot already exists) and if it exists it will overwrite the existing file.
if you want to append any data to a file you can use outputstream like this:
Dim txt As String = "test "
Dim bytes() As Byte = txt.GetBytes("UTF8")
Dim out As B4A Question Text File (.TXT) create, read write and append - klaus (first post)    Apr 15, 2016 Beginner's Guide chapter 15.9 Files.
You may have a look at this example: Simple NotePad B4J Tutorial Working with files - Erel    Dec 10, 2015   (6 reactions) The File methods in B4J are identical to B4A File methods. Text file methods File.WriteString - Writes the given text to a new file. File.ReadString - Reads a file and returns it content as a string. File.WriteList - Writes all values stored in a list to a file. All values are converted to string B4A Question Including text files in my app - TonyVerberne (first post)    Nov 21, 2019 Thanks Brandsum. I tried that but it only creates a folder with the same name as the text file and with no content. This is the code I am trying to implement to open the named text file. I hope that I have pasted the code incorrectly. It's been a while. Tony
Sub Current_Click
shared = rp. B4A Question [SOLVED] Export Specific B4XTable Columns - Mahares (first post)    Feb 23, 2022   (1 reaction) I tried the method proposed to you by Erel, but the text file that was exported showed all fields. The fields that were skipped had empty strings. For instance, if you have 3 columns in your table but one field was not included in the text file, the result looked like this: 117,,greenland 118,,detro B4A Question Find and Open a Text File - adriano.freitas    Jun 15, 2021 I need to implement a function where the user can find a TXT file on the device (which can be in the internal or external storage) and the application can open it. Looking on the forum I found several examples that allow reading the TXT file, however, I didn't find an example that gives the user the B4J Question How to copy plain text to Clipboard ? - GMan (first post)    Apr 14, 2020 OK, i solved in in another way: Textarea.Text = File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "LCDScreen_Sketch.txt") fx.Clipboard.SetString(Textarea.Text) Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |