B4R Library raWOT - candide (first post)    Nov 14, 2021   (1 reaction) yes, upload and download are managed in my example. we have to manage it at B4R level because only basic acces to stream is available at library level. in fact problem for upload and download is more at navigator level, because each one is different and something working with one is not automatical Wish Upload and download files in the background - Erel (first post)    Jan 23, 2022   (1 reaction) You can download files by combining: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-rangedownloader-resumable-downloads.133370/#content and https://www.b4x.-fetch-downloads.56022/#content B4A Question FTP error - DonManfred (first post)    Feb 19, 2021 In addition to what @udg said i suggest to get familar with the terms and how FTP works.
Your App is using the FTP-Client.
So getting anything from the FTP-Server is a DOWNLOAD.
Putting something into the FTP Server is a UPLOAD.
There is no such thing like "the server send anything". The Client RE B4A Class Dropbox API V2. All HTTP! All using httputils2 - DonManfred (first post)    Apr 27, 2016 You need to remember yourself when starting a upload/download. Internal it is using a httpjob to transfer.
so, if the resulting event is raised then the file is up/downloaded. B4J Question [ABMaterial] ABMUpload fires Page_FileUploaded twice upon failure (size) - OliverA (first post)    Aug 20, 2019 Note: All this taken from the Demo program 1) Add a couple of globals Public DownloadFolder As String = "/www/" & ABMShared.AppName & "/uploads/" Public DownloadMaxSize As String = 500*1024 2) Make sure the directory exists as set in #1 3) In a ) WebSocket_Connected where it logs Log("Websocket f B4A Question Upload/Download Files on Wifi - LucaMs (first post)    Jun 11, 2022   (1 reaction) I use B4A-Bridge with FTP option enabled. B4A Library CloudRail - CloudStorage (Dropbox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive and Box) Payment (PayPal, Stripe), POI - Mahares (first post)    Oct 11, 2016 Here is what I came up with:
1. The download works only if you download to File.DirDefaultExternal or File.DirInternalCache, but not to File.DirRootExternal. but the downloaded file name has extra unnecessary text. If the file to download is MyFile.tab, the downloaded file name is: filesMyFile.tab, B4J Question CSV upload using ABMFileInput - alwaysbusy (first post)    Oct 11, 2017   (3 reactions) I think you are almost there, just no doing the upload:
in class_globals
Public DownloadFolder As String = "/www/" & ABMShared.AppName & "/uploads/" ' or wherever you want to put the files
Public DownloadMaxSize As String = 100*1024
In WebSocket_Connected (at the end)
' this page uses uploads, B4i Question The upload of files in the background - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    Jan 24, 2022   (4 reactions) My app uploads files in background. It's relatively simple. You need to change NSURLSession and then you can use standard httpjob.
I attached a sample, which I used before adding a code to my real app. This sample downloads files, but upload will work also.
Click any button, switch to another app, B4J Question [SOLVED] [ABMaterial] ABMFileInput and DownloadFolder - Harris (first post)    Feb 25, 2022   (2 reactions) ' upload handler....
Sub Handle(req As ServletRequest, resp As ServletResponse)
'get the callback page from the session (multiple modules can use this handler)
Dim callback As Object = req.GetSession.GetAttribute("abmcallback")
' Dim downloadfolder As String = File.Combine(File.Di Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |