B4A Library UsbSerial library 2.0 - supports more devices - agraham    Oct 25, 2024   (22 reactions) This is an expanded version of the original UsbSerial library. It has added support for Prolific... serial driver library as the existing UsbSerial library but no longer needs a separate jar file... B4A Library felUsbSerial - Alternative Usb Serial library - Erel    Mar 26, 2019   (23 reactions) This library wraps the following open source project: https://github.com/felHR85/UsbSerial (MIT license). It is an alternative to the UsbSerial2 library. The following devices are supported: CP210x... initialize felUsbSerial, configure it and start reading. Sub Process_Globals Private usbserial As felUsbSerial Private manager As UsbManager Private bc As ByteConverter End Sub Sub Globals... usbserial.Initialize("serial", device, -1) usbserial.BaudRate = 115200... B4J Question [SOLVED] UsbSerial for B4J? - Dadaista    Nov 26, 2017 When UsbSerial lib for B4J?:oops:
My life would be simpler:):)
I am not able to print in ESC/POS printer from B4J :mad::mad::(:(:(:(
I have tried with this but no ports availables with bluetooth... B4A Question usbserial 2.5 lib demo app ... where ? - peacemaker    Dec 21, 2022 HI, All
Strange, that cannot find on the forum.... B4A Question SDK 31 and USBserial.RequestPermission - yo3ggx    Oct 18, 2022 permission for USBserial.
Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or... B4A Question [felUSBSerial] Missing data while receiving bytes - FredBerlin    Apr 28, 2019 usbserial As felUsbSerial
Private manager As UsbManager
Private bc As ByteConverter
End Sub....LoadLayout("Test_felUsbSerial")
If FirstTime Then
End If... Java Question Error compiling UsbSerial - Pesciolina (first post)    Feb 3, 2023 Completed successfully.
*** Non dimenticare di aggiornare l'elenco delle librerie nell'IDE (fai clic con il pulsante destro d... B4A Question UsbSerial & endpoint Type = 3 - Pesciolina (first post)    Feb 3, 2023 with Agraham's UsbSerial library to connect I use the DRIVER_SILABS driver with which I can write,
but I don't receive anything because they arrive on USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT = 3
UsbInterface localUsbInterface1 = this.mDevice.getInterface(this.mDevice.getInterfaceCount() - 1);
for (int k = 0; k < localUsbInterface1.getEndpointCount(); k++) {
UsbEndpoint... B4A Question USBSerial wait for receiving bytes - wroyw    Feb 18, 2017 Hi, is it possible to wait for a specified count of bytes after write to USBserial port ? I would like send many commands to a device with different length of answer. e.g. send 0x01 , receive 2 bytes send 0x51 , recieve 8 bytes and many others, So I will write and than wait for the answer. Is that possible with the USBserial lib ? Thanks in advance Roy... B4A Question Flow Control on USBSerial library. - tigrot    Dec 29, 2015 Hi Everybody, I have the need to control the flow of data on Prolific 2303. The chip has control capabilities on-chip, so I wonder if someone has done. Some adapter I use for testing has hardware flow control enabled by default. I solved the issue with a couple of jumpers, to simulate a null-modem cable. I have also seen that they have no TTL/EIA voltage shifter inside, strange because I payed as ... Page: 1   2   3   4   |