B4A Tutorial [B4x] AES Encryption (lessons learned & best practice) - KMatle    Oct 04, 2018   (25 reactions) - an optional IV (initialization vector). If you use a key only once, all is good. Using the same key all the time (e.g. for years) is a security leak! Why? AES uses fixed blocks to organize the encryption. If you encrypt with a key, the sequence of the blocks is always the same without IV. If you e B4J Question Decrypt AES 128 CBC - agraham (first post)    Dec 30, 2022 It looks like your data is Base64 encoded. You don't show the code you use to initialise 'b' which I assume is the encrypted data. B4A Code Snippet AES 128 Key generation - Javier Alonso    Jan 16, 2017   (8 reactions) Instead of generating AES keys using just Agraham's Encryption library: Dim key As KeyGenerator key.Initialize("AES") key.GenerateKey We can improve it, specify the length of the key (128, 192 or 256) and the Bouncy Castle provider using Javaobject and Reflection library: Dim key As KeyGenerat B4A Class [B4A/B4J] LockBox3 (Delphi) AES ECB/CBC encrypting / decrypting - OliverA    Aug 26, 2019   (14 reactions) For a write up on how I derived at this implementation, see https://www.b4x.-delphi-aes-encryption-exchange-with-b4a-b4j.97959/.
2019/08/26: CBC Mode update:
The CBC mode encryption/decryption did not work properly for plaintext/ciphertext messages that were longer than 16 bytes and whose length we B4A Question B4X 256 bit encryption? - Erel (first post)    Dec 02, 2020 While not a crypto expert, I don't see any source that claims that AES 128 is not secure. On the contrary.
Technically it shouldn't be difficult to add 256 bit encryption to B4XEncryption. B4A Question [SOLVED] Decrypt with AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding From C# Encrypt - Erel (first post)    Mar 27, 2021   (2 reactions) Code with Msgbox = broken code. First step is to replace it with Log.
Your C# doesn't use any salt.
AES = 128 key size. I'm not sure that it is the same size as your C# code. B4i Question AES algoritm - Erel (first post)    Jul 31, 2017 It is AES 128bit. Note that the data stored includes the IV and salt so a generic AES 128 bit decryptor will fail to decrypt it. B4A Question AES 128 Encrypt problem - Erel (first post)    Dec 15, 2019 What is the question or problem?
AES 128 related threads: https://www.b4x./?query=aes+128
Use ByteConverter to convert the hex strings to bytes. B4A Library [B4X] B4XEncryption - Erel (first post)    Mar 11, 2016   (3 reactions) Yes, it is a strong encryption (AES 128 with random salt). B4i Question AES 128 - Erel (first post)    Jul 22, 2015 You can use iEncryption library to encrypt with AES: https://www.b4x.com/b4i/help/iencryption.html Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |