B4A Library corwin42 - Libraries Overview - corwin42    Feb 27, 2017   (37 reactions) This thread is just an overview about the libraries and tutorials I created for B4A. Maybe it will help you to find a library or other resources you are searching for. Supported Libraries: AHLocale library - A utility library for localization, date formatting, number formatting, timezones, locale i B4A Library AHLocale library - corwin42    Jan 24, 2017   (22 reactions) With this library you can convert dates, timestamps, numbers and normal texts to the format your device uses. You can even translate your apps to different languages.
The AHLocale object provides many information about your devices locale settings like Currency symbol, month names, weekday names et B4A Question Klaus Calculator - klaus (first post)    Jun 22, 2019   (1 reaction) You find the AHLocale library HERE.
At the bottom of the first post you can download AHLocale1_16.zip.
Unzip this file.
You'll get two files:
Copy these two files to your AdditionalLibraries folder.
Have you defined an AdditionalLibraries folder in the IDE menu Tools/Config B4A Question AHLocale GetRelativeTimeSpanString with a DateTime Value - DonManfred (first post)    Jul 25, 2017   (2 reactions) It should be yyyy-MM-dd, not yyy-MM-dd? Wish IDE/Compiler check if Additional Library Needs Jetify - AnandGupta (first post)    Mar 20, 2021 exoplayer.jar, ahlocale.jar etc. looks important for development as per my requirement. So what is advised for them ?
Anand B4A Question [Solved +/-] How to get DecimalSeparator - b4auser1 (first post)    May 23, 2015   (1 reaction) More universal:
Dim Locale As AHLocale
Locale.Initialize3(Language, Country)
Dim Numeric As AHNumeric : Numeric.Initialize2(Locale)
Dim Dummy As String = Numeric.Format(1.1)
Return Dummy.SubString2(1, 2) B4A Question is date in DST? - Roycefer (first post)    Oct 09, 2015 I think the AHLocale library is for what you are looking. B4A Question B4A: AHLocaale library not recognized - Erel (first post)    Jul 06, 2015   (1 reaction) Have you checked the AHLocale library in the libraries tab? German wie kann ich mit AHLocale alle eingestellten Sprachen herausfinden? - Alexander Stolte (first post)    Jan 24, 2021 damit findest du heraus, welche sprache der benutzer gerade hat.
Dim jo As JavaObject
jo = jo.InitializeStatic("java.util.Locale").RunMethod("getDefault", Null)
log(jo.RunMethod("getLanguage", Null))
also denke ich das du einfach das hier machen musst:
trans.Initialize2 B4A Question languages - Cableguy (first post)    Mar 05, 2016   (1 reaction) Use AHLocale lib to create/manage translations Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |