B4A Tutorial Now you can debug android app directly under Windows11 - laomms    Oct 21, 2021   (31 reactions) Intel's Bridge technology will allow Android apps to run natively on Windows 11, now Microsoft released the beta version。 1. download windows11 from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows11 and installed. 120587 2. open https://store.rg-adguard.net, and input:https://www.microso B4A Library Vitamio 5 (Version 5.2.3) - moster67 (first post)    Sep 29, 2021   (1 reaction) This is the thread on SO that I posted:
According to the Google Developer who replied, it seems it should be possible also with the bundletool.
Hopefully, @Erel can impleme B4A Question I saw this app protection tips what u think about this? - Peter Simpson (first post)    Apr 12, 2018   (3 reactions) Here you go https://www.b4x.-chargeable.58754/#content ProBundle is a set of libraries of professional quality that you may use to protect your app... Other B4A v10.7 is available for download - scsjc (first post)    Mar 18, 2021   (1 reaction) Is there a step-by-step tutorial to generate an AppBundle with a PlayStore signing key? ¿Old App is a same key or need generate from playstore? The AAB files can be run in the emulator to see if everything is correct? B4A Question Android App Bundle - DonManfred (first post)    Jul 03, 2021   (1 reaction) Using the forumsearch ;-) https://www.b4x./?query=appbundle B4i Question File Browser library? - Brandsum (first post)    Oct 08, 2019   (1 reaction) This is not possible. You can only access files/folders inside your AppBundle. For security purposes an iOS app's interactions with the file system are limited to the directories inside the app's sandbox directory. https://developer.apple..html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010672-CH2-SW2 B4J Code Snippet ResourceBundle use - Daestrum    Dec 01, 2023   (1 reaction) A small example of using resourceBundle in B4J.
The app uses just 3 properties files to hold the language specific text. (Co-Pilot is a dab hand at converting the original English version to other languages)
The app just displays the used memory as a percentage, nothing special, but will log the v B4A Library {Donationware} Firebase Appinvite - DonManfred    Oct 08, 2017   (7 reactions) FirebaseDynamicLinks Events: onBundleInfo (inviteBundle As Map) onComplete (shortlinktask As Object) onDynamicLink (link As Map) onFailure() onShortDynamicLink (link As String) onShortLink (link As String) Functions: BuildDynamicLink As DynamicLink buildShortDynamicLink getBundleFromIntent B4i Question AppLabel, ApplicationVersionName ? - Mike1970 (first post)    Dec 20, 2020   (1 reaction) i customized a bit the "AppVersion" sub, so I can retrive also the relative Integer value to do some checks when i need Sub AppVersion(intval As Boolean) As Object Dim no As NativeObject no = no.Initialize("NSBundle").RunMethod("mainBundle", Null) Dim version As Object = no.RunMethod("ob B4A Library ProBundle - JackKirk (first post)    Mar 08, 2017   (6 reactions) I bought ProBundle a couple of weeks ago in an attempt to better understand app hacking issues and possible protection measures.
The Protect My App guide is excellent - heavy going at first but a bit of persistence is very rewarding.
I am exceeding pleased with the package and support. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |