B4A Question AsyncStreams initialisation crashes - rabbitBUSH (first post) Sep 12, 2021 Thanks I had previously looked through that example a few times. One of the things is that this is not a phone to phone - which I am sure you realize from #1. There is no display on the "other end" to see what is happening there.
I thought I had picked out the relevant processes from the quoted e B4A Question AsyncStreams - Erel (first post) May 23, 2023 It is part of RandomAccessFile library.
Make sure NOT to use prefix mode with your VB.Net app.
Tip: start with this example: Network + AsyncStreams + B4XSerializator B4A Question COMUNICATION USB FTDI - Erel (first post) Jun 07, 2015 (1 reaction) Please use code here... tags when posting code. AsyncStreams (in non-prefix mode) returns the data exactly as it returned from the native code. I'm not sure that I understand your code. Use the debugger and check the values of buffer before you do anything else with the data. B4A Tutorial [B4X] The Networker's Guide To The Galaxy - Erel Jul 14, 2016 (32 reactions) cgxWP4Wu77s The purpose of this tutorial is to cover the various communication options available for B4X developers. Will start with two important utilities: AsyncStreams: Asynchronously reads and writes to any stream and avoids blocking the main thread. Do not assume that messages will arrive as B4A Tutorial [B4X] AsyncStreams Tutorial - Erel Feb 22, 2018 (9 reactions) New video tutorial:
AsyncStreams allows you to read data from an InputStream and write data to an OutputStream without blocking your program. The reading and writing are done with two separate threads.
When new data is available the NewData event is raised with the data.
When you write B4J Question comunicate between b4a and b4j - Erel (first post) Apr 28, 2015 (2 reactions) See this example: AsyncStreamsObject - Send and receive objects over the network B4J Question Receiving Data in Background - teddybear (first post) Feb 11, 2023 The AsyncStreams reading and writing are done with two separate threads. it works in the background.
I think the problem is how you handle the incoming data rather than manage it to background. B4A Question [B4A] ANDROID 7.0 DISABLED AVAILABLE PERMISSION IN PREVIOUS VERSIONS - Fabian Alberto Moriconi (first post) Jan 23, 2018 Thanks Erel ! Actually I am using AsyncStreams. In my TxString function I have defined: Dim Sck As Socket Dim OutputStr As OutputStream Dim SckIO As AsyncStreams SckIO.Initialize(Sck.InputStream,Sck.OutputStream,"Sck") French Comprendre et vérifier "AsyncStreams is initialized in prefix mode" - Henrig Mar 22, 2022 Dans la perspective(plutôt négative pour le moment !) d'échanger des données(autant envoyer que recevoir) par BLUTOOTHE entre un ARDUINO et B4A, J'essaye de comprendre ce qu'est AsyncStreams is initialized in prefix mode" ?
L'échange B4A vers ARDUINO fonctionnent parfaitement, Mais l'inverse NON !
D B4A Code Snippet [B4X] Bytes To File - Erel (first post) Aug 18, 2016 (1 reaction) AsyncStreams is not related. AsyncStreams takes care of sending the bytes.
I've added the two code snippets to the second post. Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Powered by ColBERT |