B4A Question Managing deployment of multiple applications on multiple devices with B4AServer? - Erel (first post)    Feb 10, 2021   (2 reactions) No. There are much better options now with B4J + jServer.
It is technically not possible to make silent installations or uninstallations (with the irrelevant exception of using adb + usb debug mode). B4A Question how to use B4AServer to send a keyboard command from device to desktop - Mousa Najafi    Feb 14, 2015 I want to send a string from device to desktop to be typed like keyboard command in desktop.
How can I use B4AServer for this purpose. I have found a desktop server open source project that is written in VB.Net that get string
command from device and send as keyboard event in PC.
I am interested t B4A Tutorial Erels B4A Oveview from Walt's B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3 - Mashiane (first post)    Apr 27, 2021   (1 reaction) security.signatureexception: Private Key Algorithm Is Not Compatible Tutorial - B4a - Library Compilation - Compile Your Project To A Library Tutorial - B4a - Managing Deployment Of Multiple Applications On Multiple Devices With B4aserver Tutorial - B4a - Manifest Editor Tutorial - B4a - Modules Att B4A Tutorial [B4X] The Networker's Guide To The Galaxy - Erel    Jul 14, 2016   (32 reactions) B4J Server WebSockets - jServer supports both HTTP requests and WebSockets. Can be used as a backend solution with WebSocketClient libraries. Client and server maintain an active and symmetric connection. Supports web applications: ABMaterial. Can run in the local network or over the internet. The B4A Example B4Xgoodies_from_walt61 Online - AnandGupta (first post)    Jul 04, 2022   (3 reactions) B4J
B4J Server
jServer3 library is the previous version of jServer library. It is the library that was included with B4J up until B4J v9.80. This post contains the link to where jServer3 can still be found.
MYDATA my Digital Accounting and Tax Applica Share My Creation B4A-Bridge (Reskinned UI) - LucaMs (first post)    Apr 25, 2022 128476 I would only change corner radius of pnlFTPServer to 10. B4A Library b4aContentObserver - icefairy333    Sep 23, 2015   (4 reactions) you can use it with ContentResolver
enjoy it:) Share My Creation wmSQLtableSync - SQL table synchronisation between two databases [Class] [Source included] [B4A] [B4J] - walt61    May 20, 2024   (8 reactions) b4x.-directly-connect-to-remote-databases.84016/) Public properties - LastError: returns the last error (a message in English) that was encountered - LastSyncTime: gets/sets the last time the Client synced with the Server - LogChanges: gets/sets whether changes must be logged; this is useful for de B4R Question B4R The httpserver is missing a part - Star-Dust (first post)    Oct 15, 2024   (1 reaction) I think you are getting confused, there is no b4r version of HttpServer. You may have added a version of the library for another platform.
The only attempt on the forum to have a reduced version of HettpServer is this. But it is not published just announced B4A Question B4A Tcpserver - Hakanunver    Jan 05, 2019 Hi we want create on android Tcp server for Multiple client connections. Send and receive data.
Which methods or library useful for this jobs.
Or have any example code for multiple connection Tcp server. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |