B4i Question Scrollview as B4XView - mcqueccu (first post)    Dec 22, 2022 Both B4A and B4i have scrollview. You don't need to declare it as B4XView before you can use it. And they work closely similar.
You can load your layout in both platforms using this same code
svScn1.Panel.LoadLayout("YOur layout") B4i Question Find within webview - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    Feb 14, 2022 It's not a problem to scroll to absolute position. WebView has a scrollView
WebView1.As(NativeObject).GetField ("scrollView")
and you can set contentOffset. But this is incorrect way. Correct way - to use JavaScript scrollIntoView (see uiWebview_ScrollTo function in Erel's sample) B4i Question I need swipe event - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    Aug 11, 2020   (1 reaction) As I understand, a scrollview holds some child elements (for example, ImageView) and user can drag them.
The easiest solution is to add a panel, which will be a child of RootPanel with maximum z-order index (BringToFront) . B4i Question An example of ScrollView in b4i - tufanv (first post)    Mar 13, 2017   (1 reaction) They are not different. Both use scroll.panel.addview to add views. Only difference i can remember is for b4i we use scroll.contentheight and contentwidth instead of scroll.panel.width and scroll.panel.height. B4i Question ScrollView - Semen Matusovskiy (first post)    Nov 19, 2020   (1 reaction) There are differences with Android, but in general ScrollView is able to work similar like under Android.
To set ScrollView height and width I use following subroutine
Public Sub setScrollViewSize (scrollViewInstance As ScrollView, floatWidth As Float, floatHeight As Float, booleanBounces As Boolea B4i Question Scrollview set directionalLockEnabled - klaus (first post)    Nov 20, 2023   (2 reactions) no.SetField("directionalLockEnabled", True) B4i Question Brx Pages Scrollview question - grant1842 (first post)    May 11, 2023 Ok thx
I will look at listview
I may use scroll view as scrollview
If #b4i then
Scrollview as scrollview
If b4a
Scrollview as scrollview
instrd of scrollview as B4i-Bridge view
is this acceptable way to do this B4i Question Impossible to disable boucing scroll effect in WebView - Akwa    Jul 20, 2023 Hello,
I tried some "solutions" to block the boucing scroll effect in webview. None of them have any effect.
The "official solution" is :
WebView.scrollView.bounces = false;
WebView.scrollView.alwaysBounceVertical= false;
WebView.scrollView.alwaysBounceHorizontal= false;
That give :
MainWebView.As B4i Question ScrollView and a visible Keyboard - TheRealMatze    Dec 28, 2021 Hello again!
I see one more problem, but this time in the ui itself. Under b4a pages are scrolling up when the keyboard is visible, under b4i it looks like i have to do it by myself.
I have created a new layout only containing a ScrollView and changed the "loadLayout" this way
'Root.LoadLayout(" B4i Code Snippet ZoomableView (custom view) - Semen Matusovskiy    Sep 14, 2021   (4 reactions) When I look a photo in a smartphone, enough often appears a wish to increase a image/text like in WebView.
So I did special custom view based on ScrollView.
Works in two regimes.
1) As zoomable Panel (if is set ContentView property)
2) As zoomable ImageView (if is set ContentImage property)
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