B4J Tutorial [Tool] WindowsStorePackager - publish your App to the Windows Store - JanPRO    Feb 07, 2019   (17 reactions) After you have installed all the necessary components you are ready to create the Appx package with the WindowsStorePackager tool.
Create the Appx package:
1. Open WindowsStorePackager as administrator
2. Fill in all necessary fields:
The AppName must be the same as the app name in in the develope Share My Creation Application on Microsoft Store - GabrielM    Oct 05, 2021   (13 reactions) Happy to share that we have our first app accepted on the Microsoft Store: SQI Test and Report
The whole process was quite simple and straight forward:
- build your app in B4J
- use B4J integrated packager to produce the app installation Setup
- include this installation Setup (exe file) to B4J Tutorial [Web] Beginning Telegram Mini Apps - CloudStorage aka CRUD Key-Value Store - Mashiane    Aug 09, 2024 Hi Fam Demo (Open in Telegram Mobile App) Source Code Today we look at Telegram Cloud Storage, a key-value pair storage available on the Mini Apps. We will create a task manager to demonstrate this. This will have a done indicator, the task name and one will be able to edit and delete a task. Ea B4J Question Windows APP Store Billing - Robert Valentino    Feb 19, 2022 I see from some posts (https://www.b4x.-windowsstorepackager-publish-your-app-to-the-windows-store.86557/#content, https://www.b4x.-app-to-windows-store.81859/#content) that some users have been able to publish their B4J programs on the Windows App Store. Has anyone been able to do any billing and Other B4J on Windows App Store? Possible? - jmon    Jun 13, 2017   (2 reactions) Hi everyone, Has anyone tried uploading apps to Windows App Store? Is it possible to do it? I understand that apps have to be "UWP app" (Universal Windows Platform App): https://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-to-publish-JAVA-application-game-in-Microsoft-store It seems that this website manages to B4J Question [SOLVED] - B4J Windows App (+jar for linux and mac) - New code signing regulations - copanut (first post)    Aug 21, 2023   (1 reaction) Ha, it's all very funny in a painful way. I am just going through this right now. I previously had done a code signing just to prevent Microsoft saying the app was from an unknown publisher and causing difficulties for users to install. I grumbled at the time but I did it anyway because it was not t B4J Tutorial [Tool] MacStorePackager - publish your App to the Mac AppStore - JanPRO    Jan 25, 2018   (20 reactions) Step 3: Create and download certificates
Open Xcode
Click on Xcode --> Preferences in the MenuBar
Go to the Accounts section
Click on the + Button at the Bottom to add your Apple ID
Fill in all fields and click on Sign In
Select your Account and click on the Manage Certificates Button
Click on the B4J Library [Web] SithasoGunDB - Offline First Peer to Peer Database using NodeJS and GunDB (with Subscriptions) - Mashiane (first post)    Jan 09, 2024   (1 reaction) Yes you can. This is a key-value store database afterall. You can use if for anything actually. They just don't recommend banking apps for it. I will be making a CRUD example soon also including a chat app in the future. 4. Relaying to others. You need a relay peer server to do this otherwise conte Other Publish Java App to Mac Store - JanPRO    Jun 11, 2017   (2 reactions) Hi,
since some days I am trying to create a signed paket installer with javapackager to publish my Java App in the Mac Store. This is, what I have done so far:
1. B4J Tutorial [BANano] Creating an Online Store Website / WebApp - Mashiane    Sep 16, 2020   (13 reactions) Ola
NB: Open and run the project in the Library folder to have the latest library version.
We attempted to create a News App using BANano. Now we will attempt an online store. Only the basics are being covered here and nothing extensive. What we want to achieve is something like this..
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